Principles-Focused Evaluation


Michael Quinn Patton

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 28, 2017
ISBN 9781462531905
Price: $96.00
435 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
October 3, 2017
ISBN 9781462531820
Price: $64.00
435 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
September 12, 2017
Price: $64.00
435 Pages
print + e-book
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435 Pages
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Read a Q&A with featured author, Michael Quinn Patton!
I. Principles: What They Are, Why They Matter, and Their Niche in Program Development and Evaluation

1. First Principles

2. Effectiveness Principles: What? Why? When? How? Who? Where?

3. Examples of Principles-Driven Change Initiatives and Programs

4. Evaluating Principles: Historical Context and Forward-Looking Challenge

5. The Niche and Nature of Principles-Focused Evaluation: Serving Diverse Purposes

II. GUIDE: Criteria for Effectiveness Principles

6. GUIDE for PRINCIPLES: The Characteristics of High-Quality Effectiveness Principles

G: Guidance

7. Guidance for Developing and Distinguishing Principles: Principles versus Rules, and the Alternative Principles Test

8. Referring to Something as a Principle Doesn’t Make It One: Distinguishing Effectiveness Principles

9. Still More Guidance on Developing and Distinguishing Principles: Principles Derived from and Contrasted with Assumptions, Truths, and Lessons

10. Conceptual Triangulation: Evaluating the Similarities of Parallel Principles

11. Holistic, Sequential, and Pole Star Approaches to Principles

U: Useful

12. Principles Point the Way to Desired Results

13. Diverse Uses of Principles across an Organization, Nora F. Murphy & Heather Huseby

14. Evaluating the Utility of Research-Derived Principles for Enhancing Online Learning

I: Inspiring

15. Inspirational Principles Are Infused with Values

16. Principles-Focused Evaluation at the Grassroots in Africa: Inspirational Examples and Reflections, John Wilson

17. Inspiring Principles: Distinguishing Overarching Principles from Operational Principles, Charmagne Campbell-Patton

18. Principles-Focused Pedagogy of Evaluation: Inspired by Freirean Pedagogy

D: Developmental

19. The Developmental Nature of Effectiveness Principles: A Case Example of Adapting Principles in Practice, Yve Susskind & Peggy Holman

20. Simple Rules and Minimum Specifications: Spotlight on Complexity Concepts with Developmental Implications

E: Evaluable

21. Evaluable Principles: Methods and Measures for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Principles

22. Principles-Focused Sampling

23. Rendering Judgments about the Effectiveness of Principles

24. Evaluating Principles for Evidence of Effectiveness: Three Kinds of Evidence-Based Judgments and Effective Principles in Contrast to Best Practices

Summary of Parts I and II: Major Themes of Principles-Focused Evaluation

III. Principles-Driven Initiatives with Principles-Focused Evaluations: Exemplars of Principles in Practice

III-A.Three Levels of Principles-Based Interventions: Macro (Global), Micro (Program), and Meso (Community)

25. Principles Driving Reform: Evaluation of the Paris Declaration Principles on Aid Effectiveness

26. Discovering and ValidatingEffectiveness PrinciplestoHelp Youth Overcome Homelessness

27. Vibrant Communities Canada: A Principles-Driven Systems Change Initiative and Emergent Example of Principles-Focused Evaluation Potential

Part III-B. Three Different Agriculture-Focused Initiatives

28. Collaborative Principles Supporting Shared Commitment: The Global Alliance for the Future of Food

29. Principles Enhancing Coherence: The McKnight Foundation Collaborative Crop Research Program

30. Principles Defining a Field of Agroecology: How Principles Inform and GUIDE Practices

IV. Principles for Evaluations and Evaluators

31. Evaluating Evaluation Principles: Examining Principles That Guide Evaluations and Evaluators

32. Outcome Harvesting Evaluation: Practical Application of Essential Principles, Ricardo Wilson-Grau

33. Reflections of a Principles-Focused Evaluator: What's in a Name?, Donna Podems

34. Waking Lumina: A Personal Principles-Based Evaluation Philosophy, Nora F. Murphy

V. Principles-Focused Evaluation in Practice: Tools and Checklist

35. Tools for Principles-Focused Evaluation

36. Principles-Focused Evaluation Checklist

Conclusion and Final Practice Exercise

Epilogue: Eleven Questions, Eleven Principles-Focused Responses