Progress in Understanding Reading
Scientific Foundations and New Frontiers
Keith E. Stanovich
orderApril 20, 2000
ISBN 9781572305649
Price: $102.00 536 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
orderApril 21, 2000
ISBN 9781572305656
Price: $68.00 536 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
“This book is a tour de force in which Keith Stanovich reflects on his lifetime of pioneering research in the field of reading acquisition and disabilities. Presented are classic papers published over more than two decades, together with lucid discussions of Stanovich's current thinking on each topic. Readers gain the rare opportunity to observe how a scientist of this caliber develops his ideas and arguments over time, and why. Of particular relevance to readers interested in language and literacy disabilities are Stanovich's arguments for using theories of normal processing to constrain theories of reading disability; his case for seeing phonological problems as the source of most reading disabilities; and the evidence he presents on how the gap between poor and good readers widens with age.”

—Judith F. Duchan, PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo
“This superbly written work will serve as a monument to many of the late 20th century's remarkable scientific achievements in the field of reading acquisition and reading disabilities. It is also a moving personal testament to an exceptionally creative scientist, profound thinker, and humanist. The volume will be an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers in education and psychology, as it reveals not only many of the psychological mysteries of reading, but also the inner workings of the practice of science.”

—David L. Share, PhD, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Israel
“Keith Stanovich weaves many of his important papers into a splendid tapestry of programmatic research.”

—Philip B. Gough, PhD, Barbara Pierce Bush Regents Professor, University of Texas at Austin
“Keith Stanovich takes us on a personal tour of nearly 25 years of research and controversy in reading. We get some of his best papers—papers very important to the field—reprinted in one volume. The new material that interleaves these papers gives rich inside views on the process of research and its historical and social contexts. The 'Best of Stanovich,' as one would expect, is very good indeed.”

—Charles A. Perfetti, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh

—Judith F. Duchan, PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo
“This superbly written work will serve as a monument to many of the late 20th century's remarkable scientific achievements in the field of reading acquisition and reading disabilities. It is also a moving personal testament to an exceptionally creative scientist, profound thinker, and humanist. The volume will be an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers in education and psychology, as it reveals not only many of the psychological mysteries of reading, but also the inner workings of the practice of science.”

—David L. Share, PhD, Faculty of Education, University of Haifa, Israel
“Keith Stanovich weaves many of his important papers into a splendid tapestry of programmatic research.”

—Philip B. Gough, PhD, Barbara Pierce Bush Regents Professor, University of Texas at Austin
“Keith Stanovich takes us on a personal tour of nearly 25 years of research and controversy in reading. We get some of his best papers—papers very important to the field—reprinted in one volume. The new material that interleaves these papers gives rich inside views on the process of research and its historical and social contexts. The 'Best of Stanovich,' as one would expect, is very good indeed.”

—Charles A. Perfetti, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh