Promoting Executive Function in the Classroom

Lynn Meltzer

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
March 23, 2010
ISBN 9781606236161
Price: $47.00
252 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
March 1, 2011
Price: $47.00
252 Pages
print + e-book
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252 Pages
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
I. Understanding Executive Function: The Challenge for 21st-Century Teachers

1. Understanding, Assessing, and Teaching Executive Function Processes: The Why, What, and How, Lynn Meltzer

2. Creating a Classroomwide Executive Function Culture That Fosters Strategy Use, Motivation, and Resilience, Lynn Meltzer and Surina Basho

II. Scaffolding Executive Function Processes into the Curriculum Content

3. Goal Setting, Planning, and Prioritizing: The Foundations of Effective Learning, Kalyani Krishnan, Melissa J. Feller, and Melissa Orkin

4. Organizing: The Heart of Efficient and Successful Learning, Kalyani Krishnan and Melissa J. Feller

5. Remembering: Teaching Students How to Retain and Mentally Manipulate Information, Donna M. Kincaid and Nancy Trautman

6. Shifting and Flexible Problem Solving: The Anchors for Academic and Life Success, Lynn Meltzer and Jennifer Sage Bagnato

7. Self-Monitoring and Self-Checking: The Cornerstones of Independent Learning, Jennifer Sage Bagnato and Lynn Meltzer

8. Emotional Self-Regulation: A Critical Component of Executive Function, Judith A. Stein

III. Case Studies: Addressing Executive Function Weaknesses across the Grades, Lena Hannus-Suksi, Laura Sales Pollica, Wendy Stacey, Melissa J. Feller, and Jason Bendezu

Appendix: Reproducibles for the Classroom