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Psychological Evaluations for the Courts

Fourth Edition
A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and Lawyers

Gary B. Melton, John Petrila, Norman G. Poythress, Christopher Slobogin, Randy K. Otto, Douglas Mossman, and Lois O. Condie

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
December 22, 2017
ISBN 9781462532667
Price: $130.00
964 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
December 4, 2017
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Price: $130.00
964 Pages
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964 Pages
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“A comprehensive, useful analysis of an array of topics relevant to forensic mental health practice.”

Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (on the third edition)

“An authoritative text in the field of forensic psychology.”

International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (on the third edition)

“Offers a comprehensive discussion of forensic assessment along with best practice guidelines for psychological evaluations in a wide range of criminal and civil proceedings.”

Juvenile and Family Court Journal (on the third edition)

“If you perform forensic evaluations for a living, you need this book.”

Journal of Psychiatric Practice (on the third edition)

“An indispensable and authoritative reference work....Serves as a wide-ranging reference tool and a mechanism to survey the broader field....Belongs on the bookshelf of every forensic psychology practitioner and mental health lawyer.”

The National Psychologist (on the third edition)

“A great resource for practicing psychologists and graduate students preparing for mental health practice....This is a highly recommended resource for mental health professionals who will inevitably be in contact with the legal system.”

The Master's Advocate (on the third edition)

“This is a fully updated edition of the best textbook designed for both forensic clinicians and attorneys. It is the 'go-to' book for scholarly analysis of forensic issues and sophisticated, practical advice.”

—Phillip J. Resnick, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Director of Forensic Psychiatry, Case Western Reserve University

“This text has made an extraordinary contribution to forensic mental health assessment and informed legal decision making over the last 30 years. The fourth edition remains the most comprehensive, legally sophisticated, and scientifically sound single volume available to forensic practitioners, legal professionals, policymakers, researchers, and scholars, and continues to serve as an essential guide to the field. It is highly appropriate for any graduate-level class in forensic assessment (I use it in mine), as well as internship or fellowship seminars. I would also use it if I were training psychiatrists at the fellowship level.”

—Kirk Heilbrun, PhD, Department of Psychology, Drexel University

“Long a canonical work, this fourth edition fully captures the last decade's explosive growth in what courts expect of mental health experts. Seamlessly meshing scientific rigor, legal precision, and clinical acumen, this is the one book to read if there is a witness stand in your future. The goalposts for scholarship in forensic psychology have just been moved.”

—John Monahan, PhD, Shannon Distinguished Professor of Law, Psychology, and Psychiatry, University of Virginia

“This handbook is remarkable for its scope, as well as its detailed and critical analysis of the relevant legal, scientific, and clinical literature. The fourth edition does not disappoint—it has been revised and updated to once again cement its place as the standard by which all others in the field are measured. For mental health trainees and professionals who want to learn about conducting forensic assessments, and for legal trainees and professionals who need to learn about research and practice in forensic psychology, there is simply no better reference.”

—Stephen D. Hart, PhD, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

“Continuing the tradition of this comprehensive reference, the fourth edition offers encyclopedic coverage of mental health issues relevant to the criminal and civil courts, and can help both mental health professionals and attorneys address these matters more effectively. The volume makes extensive use of case law and case material throughout. It includes an entire chapter of sample reports and accompanying discussions addressing substantive legal issues.”

—Glenn J. Larrabee, PhD, ABPP-CN, independent practice, Sarasota, Florida

“A 'must read' for any student preparing for a career in forensic mental health. The fourth edition maintains the original structure and readability while providing a review of up-to-the-minute research and scholarly discussions relevant to all aspects of psycholegal evaluations. It is the most practical, user-friendly, and comprehensive forensic mental health book on the market. I have used this text in a graduate-level Psychology and Law class and as required reading for my practicum students working in corrections and assisting me with forensic evaluations.”

—Robert D. Morgan, PhD, Chair and John G. Skelton Jr. Regents Endowed Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences, Texas Tech University