Psychotherapy for Psychosis
Integrating Cognitive-Behavioral and Psychodynamic Treatment
Michael Garrett

I. Theory
1. Essential Problems in Psychosis and Basic Definitions
2. Biological and Psychological Models of Psychosis
3. Psychosis: An Autobiographical Play Staged in the Real World
4. Disturbances of Figurative Language, Concrete Metaphors, and Delusional Identities
II. Psychotherapy Technique
5. Treatment Overview and Patient Selection
6. Engaging the Patient
7. Eliciting the Patient’s Story
8. Discussing Reality with a Psychotic Person
9. Assessing Coping Strategies and Introducing Three Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) Models
10. Working CBTp and Psychodynamic Formulations
11. Working with Voices and Other CBTp Techniques
12. Challenging Delusions
13. Psychodynamic Interpretation of Psychotic Symptoms
14. The Case of Ariel
15. The Cases of Asha and Kasper
III. Psychotherapy for Psychosis in the Public Sector
16. Current Clinical Conditions in Public Mental Health
17. A Template for Ambitious Psychotherapy in the Public Sector