Quantum Change
When Epiphanies and Sudden Insights Transform Ordinary Lives
William R. Miller and Janet C'de Baca
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMay 2, 2001
ISBN 9781572305052
Price: $15.95212 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Read a Q&A with featured author, William R. Miller!
“Bill Miller and Janet C'de Baca have written a wonderful book. Not since William James's Varieties of Religious Experience has there been such a psychologically penetrating book on spiritual experience.”

—George E. Vaillant, MD, Harvard Medical School
“Although many people spend years struggling to fix personal problems, some people undergo sudden, dramatic, and nearly instantaneous change. This book tells their stories and identifies the core features of these transformational changes. The idea of quantum change is arguably among the most exciting in psychology, since it challenges both common sense and clinical lore. This book will appeal to anyone interested in psychological change, transformation, or the human condition. In other words, this book is for everyone.”

—Todd F. Heatherton, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
“Reading Quantum Change is a mystical experience of its own. This is an exceptionally well written book that I found inspirational, enlightening, and a 'must read.' After reading this book, don't be surprised if you think about change in a new way.”

—Monty Roberts, author of the New York Times best seller, The Man Who Listens to Horses

—George E. Vaillant, MD, Harvard Medical School
“Although many people spend years struggling to fix personal problems, some people undergo sudden, dramatic, and nearly instantaneous change. This book tells their stories and identifies the core features of these transformational changes. The idea of quantum change is arguably among the most exciting in psychology, since it challenges both common sense and clinical lore. This book will appeal to anyone interested in psychological change, transformation, or the human condition. In other words, this book is for everyone.”

—Todd F. Heatherton, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College
“Reading Quantum Change is a mystical experience of its own. This is an exceptionally well written book that I found inspirational, enlightening, and a 'must read.' After reading this book, don't be surprised if you think about change in a new way.”

—Monty Roberts, author of the New York Times best seller, The Man Who Listens to Horses