Rethinking Learning Disabilities
Understanding Children Who Struggle in School
Deborah Paula Waber
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderSeptember 6, 2011
ISBN 9781462503346
Price: $39.00 241 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2010
I. The Developmental Approach to Learning Disabilities
1. The Dilemma: What Is a Learning Disability?
2. A Learning Disability Is a Developmental Problem
3. A Developmental Science Perspective on Learning Disabilities
4. A Lifespan Perspective on Learning Disabilities
5. Identifying Learning Disabilities: A Developmental Approach
6. Insights from Cognitive Neuroscience: Automatic and Effortful Processing
II. Diagnosing the Child–World Interaction
7. Identical Twins
8. An Adequate Achiever with Learning Problems
9. Beyond a “Reading Problem”
10. Learning-Disabled Children Grown Up
11. A Developmental Strategy for Resolving the Dilemma
Appendix. Publications of the Children's Hospital Boston Learning Disabilities Research Center