School Discipline and Self-Discipline
A Practical Guide to Promoting Prosocial Student Behavior
George G. Bear
A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
orderJune 3, 2010
ISBN 9781606236819
Price: $47.00256 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
“A timely response to the current conversation schools are having as they explore how school discipline should look and search for the most effective strategies to address student behavior....This book offers a comprehensive framework for incorporating school-wide positive behavioral supports and social and emotional learning and provides numerous research-based strategies for implementation that are practical and applicable at all age levels. Individual interventions are suggested, as well as the process for implementing systemic change, which makes this book helpful for schools regardless of where they are in the process of addressing student behavior. School social workers, as well as teachers and administrators will find this book extremely useful to assist in the development of SWPBS and incorporation of SEL standards into curriculums.”

—School Social Work Journal
“What can schools do to promote learning, schoolwide discipline, and positive school and classroom climates? Written by one of the world’s leading experts, this book explains the limitations of widely used—and often competing—approaches to school discipline. Bear provides comprehensive solutions that combine the best elements of popular approaches in order to promote change at the student, classroom, and school levels. The balanced, proven strategies in this book will be welcomed by students, teachers, school practitioners, and administrators. Bear describes how to foster students’ self-discipline and character while bringing about lasting change in a school.”

—Brian J. Bartels, MA, NCSP, CAS, Director, Psychological Services, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
“This book is unique in emphasizing that self-discipline should be addressed as a process with its own essential components and evidence base. Bear describes critical steps for making self-discipline an explicit part of schoolwide behavior management approaches. As a practitioner who is part of schoolwide positive behavior support teams, I found insights into a range of frequently discussed disciplinary issues in this book. I strongly recommend it!”

—Rhonda J. Armistead, MS, NCSP, school psychologist, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina
“All school psychologists and educators who work with children in primary and secondary settings should read this book. It provides a comprehensive guide to the theory and benefits of addressing challenging behaviors while actively promoting self-discipline and prosocial behavior. Bear presents up-to-date, evidence-based techniques in this user-friendly guide.”

—Amber L. Evenson, MS, EdS, school psychologist, Proviso Area for Exceptional Children Special Education Cooperative, Maywood, Illinois
“Bear offers an invaluable practical synthesis of evidence-based methods and approaches for schools to develop balanced and effective disciplinary programs, based on locally determined need. He does a superb job of fostering thoughtful and informed consideration of key issues, effectively translating research to practice. This is a great resource for school practitioners, administrators, and teachers, as well as those in preservice training. I recommend it as a supplemental text for graduate-level courses.”

—Matthew J. Mayer, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

—School Social Work Journal
“What can schools do to promote learning, schoolwide discipline, and positive school and classroom climates? Written by one of the world’s leading experts, this book explains the limitations of widely used—and often competing—approaches to school discipline. Bear provides comprehensive solutions that combine the best elements of popular approaches in order to promote change at the student, classroom, and school levels. The balanced, proven strategies in this book will be welcomed by students, teachers, school practitioners, and administrators. Bear describes how to foster students’ self-discipline and character while bringing about lasting change in a school.”

—Brian J. Bartels, MA, NCSP, CAS, Director, Psychological Services, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
“This book is unique in emphasizing that self-discipline should be addressed as a process with its own essential components and evidence base. Bear describes critical steps for making self-discipline an explicit part of schoolwide behavior management approaches. As a practitioner who is part of schoolwide positive behavior support teams, I found insights into a range of frequently discussed disciplinary issues in this book. I strongly recommend it!”

—Rhonda J. Armistead, MS, NCSP, school psychologist, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, North Carolina
“All school psychologists and educators who work with children in primary and secondary settings should read this book. It provides a comprehensive guide to the theory and benefits of addressing challenging behaviors while actively promoting self-discipline and prosocial behavior. Bear presents up-to-date, evidence-based techniques in this user-friendly guide.”

—Amber L. Evenson, MS, EdS, school psychologist, Proviso Area for Exceptional Children Special Education Cooperative, Maywood, Illinois
“Bear offers an invaluable practical synthesis of evidence-based methods and approaches for schools to develop balanced and effective disciplinary programs, based on locally determined need. He does a superb job of fostering thoughtful and informed consideration of key issues, effectively translating research to practice. This is a great resource for school practitioners, administrators, and teachers, as well as those in preservice training. I recommend it as a supplemental text for graduate-level courses.”

—Matthew J. Mayer, PhD, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey