Shame and Guilt
June Price Tangney and Ronda L. Dearing
2. What Is the Difference between Shame and Guilt?
3. Assessing Shame and Guilt
4. Our "Intrapersonal" Relationship: The Self in Shame and Guilt
5. Moral Emotions and Interpersonal Sensitivity: Empathy Enters the Picture
6. Shamed into Anger?: The Special Link between Shame and Interpersonal Hostility
7. Shame, Guilt, and Psychopathology
8. The Bottom Line: Moral Emotions and Moral Behavior
9. Shame and Guilt across the Lifespan: The Development of Moral Emotions
10. Sex, Romance, and Conflict: Shame and Guilt in Intimate Relationships
11. Implications for Therapists: Shame and Guilt on Both Sides of the Couch
12. Looking Ahead: Implications for Parents, Teachers, and Society
Appendix A. Tables of Findings from Studies of Shame and Guilt
Appendix B. Measures of Shame and Guilt