Sports Neuropsychology

Assessment and Management of Traumatic Brain Injury

Edited by Ruben J. Echemendía

February 6, 2006
ISBN 9781572300781
Price: $61.00
324 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

I. Sports Neuropsychology in Context

1. Sports: A New Frontier for Neuropsychology, Jeffrey T. Barth, Donna K. Broshek, and Jason R. Freeman

2. A History of Sports-Related Concussions: A Neuropsychological Perspective, Eric A. Zillmer, Jillian Schneider, Jennifer Tinker, and Catherine I. Kaminaris

3. Consulting with Athletes: Rewards and Pitfalls, Ruben J. Echemendía

II. Concussion Assessment and Management

4. Definition, Physiology, and Severity of Cerebral Concussion, Frank M. Webbe

5. Epidemiology of Cerebral Concussion: The Extent of the Problem, Stephen N. Macciocchi

6. Assessing Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on the Sideline, William B. Barr

7. Return to Play, Ruben J. Echemendía

III. Testing Programs

8. Concussion Management Programs for School-Age Children, Jill Brooks

9. Creating a Successful Concussion Management Program at the High School Level, Jamie Pardini and Micky Collins

10. Neuropsychological Testing Programs for College Athletes, Philip Schatz and Tracey Covassin

11. Neuropsychological Assessment of the Professional Athlete, Mark R. Lovell

IV. Computerized Neuropsychological Test Batteries

12. The ImPACT Neuropsychological Test Battery, Mark R. Lovell

13. The HeadMinder Concussion Resolution Index, Tanya Kaushik and David M. Erlanger

14. CogSport, Alexander Collie, Paul Maruff, David Darby, Michael Makdissi, Paul McCrory, and Michael McStephen

15. Sports Concussion Applications of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics Sports Medicine Battery, Joseph Bleiberg, Alison Cernich, and Dennis Reeves

V. Views from within the Sports Medicine Team

16. The Athletic Trainer's Point of View, John L. Furtado

17. The Team Physician's Point of View, Margot Putukian