Stop Arguing with Your Kids
How to Win the Battle of Wills by Making Your Children Feel Heard
Michael P. Nichols
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderMarch 11, 2004
ISBN 9781572302846
Price: $15.95229 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
I. How Responsive Listening Works to Eliminate Arguments
1. Taking Charge of Your Children without a Battle
2. The Five Steps of Responsive Listening
3. How to Head Off Arguments before They Start
4. How to Inspire Cooperation in Your Children
5. Breaking the Cycle of Chronic Arguing
II. How to Apply Responsive Listening to Different Age Groups
6. Young Children: Tears and Tantrums
7. School-Age Children: "Do I Have To?"
8. Teenagers: "You Can't Tell Me What to Do!"
III. Complications
9. The Changing Dynamics of the Adolescent Family
10. When Arguing Seems Unavoidable: How to Use Responsive Listening in the Toughest Situations