Success with Struggling Readers

The Benchmark School Approach

Irene West Gaskins

May 3, 2005
ISBN 9781593851699
Price: $41.00
264 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"

I. Struggling Readers

1. Searching for Answers to the Why and How of Struggling Readers

2. Introduction to Benchmark's Interactive Learning Model and Person Variables

3. Exploring the Strengths and Challenges of Struggling Readers: Personality, Temperament, Emotion, Motivation, and Volition

4. Exploring the Strengths and Challenges of Struggling Readers: Intelligence, Physical Development, and Health

II. Context and Theories of Learning

5. The Context for Learning: Teacher Knowledge, Classroom Culture, and Instruction

6. The Context for Learning: Sociocultural, Task, and Text Variables

7. Learning Principles about the Interaction of Variables, Explicit Instruction, and Social Activity

8. Learning Principles That Guide Instruction: Developmental, Motivational, and Accountability Issues

9. Learning Principles to Share with Students

III. Classroom Implementation

10. Strategies for Reading Words: Teaching Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, and Fluency

11. Activities That Reinforce Word Detective Practices

12. Comprehension Strategies

13. Explicit Explanations of Comprehension Strategies for Grades 1-8

14. Rationale for Teaching Concepts, Essential Understandings, and Knowledge Structures

Afterword: Five Major Insights from 45 Years of Teaching Struggling Readers