Teaching Advanced Literacy Skills

A Guide for Leaders in Linguistically Diverse Schools

Nonie K. Lesaux, Emily Phillips Galloway, and Sky H. Marietta

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
August 1, 2016
ISBN 9781462526475
Price: $54.00
196 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
August 2, 2016
ISBN 9781462526468
Price: $36.00
196 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
July 5, 2016
PDF and ePub ?
Price: $36.00
196 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF and ePub) ?
Price: $72.00 $43.20
196 Pages
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The reproducible materials can be downloaded and printed in PDF format.
I. Advanced Literacies for the 21st Century

1. Rethinking Literacy and Its Leadership for the 21st Century

2. Defining Advanced Literacies

3. Defining Instructional Leadership for Advanced Literacies

II. Leading the Implementation of Four Key Site-Based Shifts for Progress

4. Revisiting and Strengthening the Instructional Core

5. Placing Data at the Core of the Literacy Improvement Effort

6. Using a Shared Curriculum or Platform to Support Daily Teaching and Learning

7. Leading the Implementation of Sustained Approaches to Staff Development

III. Moving Forward at a School Site

8. Bringing It All Together: Generating a Blueprint for Advanced Literacies Instruction

Conclusion: Leading Advanced Literacies Instruction

Appendix: A Leader’s Compendium of Tools

