Teaching Geography
Third Edition
Phil Gersmehl
Paperback + CD-ROM
Paperback + CD-ROM
orderJune 20, 2014
ISBN 9781462516414
Price: $57.00 332 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
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Introduction: Before We Start
1. One Perspective: A Way of Looking at the World
2. Two Blades of a Scissors: Regional and Topical Geography
3. Three Strands of Meaning: Facts, Theories, and Values
4. Four Cornerstones: Foundation Ideas of Geography
5. Five Themes: Meeting the Standards
6. Spatial Thinking: Geographical Skills
7. Three Kinds of Tests for Three Kinds of Meaning
8. Geography in the Curriculum: Surviving Top-Down Educational Reform
9. A Multiwheeled Cart: Supporting Teachers
10. Pairs of Tools, Working Together
11. Helping to Build a Palace
12. Afterword: 47% of Our High-School Seniors Cannot Find China on a Map
Appendix: Some Facts Every Geography Student Should Know for Perspective