Termination Challenges in Child Psychotherapy
Eliana Gil and David A. Crenshaw
Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 2, 2015
ISBN 9781462523177
Price: $36.00221 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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The e-book editions of this title sold by Guilford and other e-book vendors feature 9 full-color figures. (If you have a black-and-white e-reader, the illustrations will appear in black and white, as in the print book.)
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1. Termination as a Necessary and Useful Closure of the Formal Therapy Relationship
2. Open-Door Terminations: A Developmentally Sensitive Approach
3. The Revolving Door of Managed Care
4. Premature Termination
5. Unique Issues in Termination in Child Therapy
6. Countertransference Issues
7. Critical Goals and Specific Strategies for Successful Termination
8. Case Studies of Failures and Successes in the Termination Process