The CIPP Evaluation Model

How to Evaluate for Improvement and Accountability

Daniel L. Stufflebeam and Guili Zhang

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 6, 2017
ISBN 9781462529247
Price: $102.00
384 Pages
Size: 7⅜" x 9¼"
March 7, 2017
ISBN 9781462529230
Price: $68.00
384 Pages
Size: 7⅜" x 9¼"
February 21, 2017
Price: $68.00
384 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $136.00 $81.60
384 Pages
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“Stufflebeam is one of the great pioneers in the development of evaluation as a discipline. He developed the CIPP Model to highlight not only the outcomes of a program, but all of its dimensions: Context, Input, Process, and Product. We are fortunate to have a volume reflecting decades of refinement of this valuable tool, which has been discussed and used around the globe. Exercises, review questions, and downloadable checklists are included. The book also puts CIPP in the context of other leading models of evaluation and demonstrates its major influence upon the field.”

—Michael Scriven, DPhil, DEd, Professor of Psychologyand Co-Director, Claremont Evaluation Center, Claremont Graduate University

“Stufflebeam has been a leader in educational evaluation since the 1960s. This valuable book makes it clear why the CIPP Model has become one of the most widely used approaches to evaluation across disciplines in the social sciences. The authors distill decades of experience to provide evaluators with an approach to program improvement and accountability that engages stakeholders, meets professional standards, and encompasses both quantitative and qualitative methods. No other evaluation model has had as strong and lasting an impact as the CIPP Model, and this book offers the first comprehensive guide.”

—M. David Miller, PhD, Professor and Director, Human Development and Organizational Studies in Education; Director, Collaborative Assessment and Program Evaluation Services, University of Florida

“For over 15 years, I have used the CIPP Model as the framework for all my evaluations in health and education. It is the focus of my course in Program Evaluation. This complete CIPP resource is a 'must have' for anyone engaged in an evaluation, from planning to implementation. Each component of an evaluation is clearly laid out. I love the case studies and the coverage of topics usually overlooked in program evaluation texts, such as how to analyze quantitative results and develop an evaluation contract.”

—Mina D. Singh, RN, PhD, School of Nursing, Faculty of Health, York University, Canada