The Complete Family Guide to Addiction
Everything You Need to Know Now to Help Your Loved One and Yourself
Thomas F. Harrison and Hilary S. Connery
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJune 14, 2019
ISBN 9781462539642
Price: $57.00 262 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderJune 14, 2019
ISBN 9781462538546
Price: $16.95 262 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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“Employing sensible, reader-friendly language, the authors give us a comprehensive, evidence-based primer on addictions, the challenges they pose for individuals and families, and the many treatment modalities currently available.”

—Gabor Maté, MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction
“Wow, someone finally gets it! As an addict with 13 years in recovery, this book gives me so much insight into addiction, codependency, and what I put my family through. It also reminds me what people did that helped me, and what didn't help. Every family member or friend of an addict should read this book! It brought back a lot of pain for me, but is so accurate and enlightening. It will help you save your loved one without ruining yourself in the process.”

—Taffy L., San Rafael, California
“This greatly needed book is packed with invaluable information for loved ones of people who struggle with addiction. Often lost and left by the wayside in addiction treatment, families are now taken by the hand and offered understandable explanations of complex concepts, presented in an unbiased way. The book's compendium of resources is remarkable.”

—Anne M. Fletcher, MS, RDN, author of Inside Rehab and Sober for Good
“Accessible and comprehensive, this book equips you with the latest understanding of the shattering challenges of addiction. Whether it is your grown child, spouse, or other loved one who is afflicted, this book reveals the best ways to offer support.”

—Robert Miranda Jr., PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University
“I strongly recommend this book to all families who are struggling to help a loved one with an addiction. I wish I'd had this book when I first started to realize that my son had a problem. The book explains the chemical changes in the brain that cause our loved ones to continue abuse, and gives us insight on how their thought process is altered. There is invaluable information on how to find support groups, financial aid for treatment, and the best treatment facilities. This book has brought me great peace by giving me a better understanding of my son's addiction and his journey to recovery.”

—Robin S., Atlanta, Georgia
“If you care about someone with an addiction, this is the book you need. Families and friends often spend months or years of frustration trying to figure out what addiction is and what they can do about it. This highly practical book cuts right to the chase—explaining the most current research and clinical experience in plain English—and tells you everything you need to know.”

—Joseph P. Scholl, LICSW, attending social worker, McLean Hospital
“Families who are knowledgeable about addiction and its treatment are in a better position to help the person they love. Without 'taking sides,' this easy-to-understand book describes a wide range of treatment approaches and provides useful suggestions and strategies for dealing with common issues. As an addiction treatment specialist, I found many useful ideas for educating my clients and their families.”

—Oscar G. Bukstein, MD, MPH, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

—Gabor Maté, MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction
“Wow, someone finally gets it! As an addict with 13 years in recovery, this book gives me so much insight into addiction, codependency, and what I put my family through. It also reminds me what people did that helped me, and what didn't help. Every family member or friend of an addict should read this book! It brought back a lot of pain for me, but is so accurate and enlightening. It will help you save your loved one without ruining yourself in the process.”

—Taffy L., San Rafael, California
“This greatly needed book is packed with invaluable information for loved ones of people who struggle with addiction. Often lost and left by the wayside in addiction treatment, families are now taken by the hand and offered understandable explanations of complex concepts, presented in an unbiased way. The book's compendium of resources is remarkable.”

—Anne M. Fletcher, MS, RDN, author of Inside Rehab and Sober for Good
“Accessible and comprehensive, this book equips you with the latest understanding of the shattering challenges of addiction. Whether it is your grown child, spouse, or other loved one who is afflicted, this book reveals the best ways to offer support.”

—Robert Miranda Jr., PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Brown University
“I strongly recommend this book to all families who are struggling to help a loved one with an addiction. I wish I'd had this book when I first started to realize that my son had a problem. The book explains the chemical changes in the brain that cause our loved ones to continue abuse, and gives us insight on how their thought process is altered. There is invaluable information on how to find support groups, financial aid for treatment, and the best treatment facilities. This book has brought me great peace by giving me a better understanding of my son's addiction and his journey to recovery.”

—Robin S., Atlanta, Georgia
“If you care about someone with an addiction, this is the book you need. Families and friends often spend months or years of frustration trying to figure out what addiction is and what they can do about it. This highly practical book cuts right to the chase—explaining the most current research and clinical experience in plain English—and tells you everything you need to know.”

—Joseph P. Scholl, LICSW, attending social worker, McLean Hospital
“Families who are knowledgeable about addiction and its treatment are in a better position to help the person they love. Without 'taking sides,' this easy-to-understand book describes a wide range of treatment approaches and provides useful suggestions and strategies for dealing with common issues. As an addiction treatment specialist, I found many useful ideas for educating my clients and their families.”

—Oscar G. Bukstein, MD, MPH, Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School