The Craft of Life Course Research

Edited by Glen H. Elder and Janet Z. Giele

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
August 4, 2009
ISBN 9781606233207
Price: $57.00
372 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
March 1, 2011
ePub ?
Price: $57.00
372 Pages
print + e-book
Paperback + e-Book (ePub) ?
Price: $114.00 $68.40
372 Pages
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1. Life Course Studies: An Evolving Field, Glen H. Elder, Jr., and Janet Z. Giele

Part I. Methods of Data Collection

2. The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Designing a Study of the Life Course, Robert M. Hauser

3. Collecting and Interpreting Life Records, Dennis P. Hogan and Carrie E. Spearin

4. Longitudinal Ethnography: Uncovering Domestic Abuse in Women’s Lives, Linda M. Burton, Diane Purvin, and Raymond Garrett-Peters

5. Linking Research Questions to Data Archives, Glen H. Elder, Jr., and Miles G. Taylor

Part II. Measuring Life Course Dynamics

6. Cumulative Processes in the Life Course, Angela M. O’Rand

7. Life Transitions and Daily Stress Processes, David M. Almeida and Jen D. Wong

8. Conceptualizing and Measuring Trajectories, Linda K. George

9. Group-Based Trajectories in Life Course Criminology, Elaine Eggleston Doherty, John H. Laub, and Robert J. Sampson

Part III. Investigating Explanatory Factors

10. Genetics and Behavior in the Life Course: A Promising Frontier, Michael J. Shanahan and Jason D. Boardman

11. Life Stories to Understand Diversity: Variations by Class, Race, and Gender, Janet Z. Giele

12. Social Convoys: Studying Linked Lives in Time, Context, and Motion, Phyllis Moen and Elaine Hernandez

13. Comparative Life Course Research: A Cross-National and Longitudinal Perspective, Hans-Peter Blossfeld