The JASPER Model for Children with Autism
Promoting Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation
Connie Kasari, Amanda C. Gulsrud, Stephanie Y. Shire, and Christina Strawbridge
2. Core Domains
II. Setting Targets
3. SPACE Administration
4. Identifying Mastered and Target Skills
III. Preparing for Session
5. Introduction to JASPER Routines
6. Assembling JASPER Routines
7. Preparing a JASPER Environment
8. Setting the Foundation for Engagement and Regulation
IV. Play
9. Imitating and Modeling Play
10. Establishing the Base
11. Expanding Routines
V. Communication
12. Core Communication Strategies
13. Programming for Gestures and Language
14. Incorporating a Speech-Generating Device
VI. Troubleshooting
15. Supporting Engagement
16. Supporting Regulation
17. Supporting Productive Play in the Context of RRBs
VII. Conclusion
18. Putting It All Together
Appendix A. Strategies Checklist
Appendix B. Exercise Answers
Appendix C. Caity’s Toy Box