The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook
A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive
Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderAugust 29, 2018
ISBN 9781462535651
Price: $35.00 206 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
orderAugust 29, 2018
ISBN 9781462526789
Price: $22.95 206 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
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“'Be gentle with yourself.'…A chaplain mentor gave me these cherished words shortly after I began my first full-time chaplain position, post-residency. By now, this phrase has become like a trusted friend that provides support in times of stress. This phrase serves as a sort of summary of the message of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook….I would recommend this book, pretty much without reservation, to anyone. This book and its perspective was timely for me before the COVID-19 pandemic, and I can say it is appropriate now more than ever.”

—Association of Professional Chaplains Resource Reviews
“Drs. Neff and Germer are the world’s leading authorities on self-compassion. They show readers in simple, down-to-earth steps how to become more confident, less self-critical, and kinder to themselves. It feels like they are with you as warm and wise guides in every page of this book. Truly a gem.”

—Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Resilient
“Drs. Neff and Germer have led the field in researching and articulating the transformative practices of Mindful Self-Compassion, and tens of thousands of people have been trained in their approach. Now you have in your hands a workbook that can guide your journey into profound healing and freedom; it provides a pathway that is accessible, clear, and rich in its depth. Please give yourself the gift of this book and share it with others—these teachings will serve many awakening hearts.”

—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“From their extensive insight and experience, Drs. Neff and Germer provide a friendly, easy-to-use workbook. Its powerful exercises will help you uncover your innate capacity to hold yourself—and the world around you—with compassion. Whether or not you take a formal Mindful Self-Compassion course, using this workbook can effect profound change in your life.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Love
“Mindful Self-Compassion has made me far more resilient—when a storm hits, I float on the surface of the rough sea and wait for it to pass, rather than thrashing around trying to outswim it. I am able to find a nugget of joy every day, no matter how small. This workbook encourages a deeper understanding and experience of MSC. I recommend it to everyone.”

—Heather R., Hampshire, United Kingdom

—Association of Professional Chaplains Resource Reviews
“Drs. Neff and Germer are the world’s leading authorities on self-compassion. They show readers in simple, down-to-earth steps how to become more confident, less self-critical, and kinder to themselves. It feels like they are with you as warm and wise guides in every page of this book. Truly a gem.”

—Rick Hanson, PhD, author of Resilient
“Drs. Neff and Germer have led the field in researching and articulating the transformative practices of Mindful Self-Compassion, and tens of thousands of people have been trained in their approach. Now you have in your hands a workbook that can guide your journey into profound healing and freedom; it provides a pathway that is accessible, clear, and rich in its depth. Please give yourself the gift of this book and share it with others—these teachings will serve many awakening hearts.”

—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“From their extensive insight and experience, Drs. Neff and Germer provide a friendly, easy-to-use workbook. Its powerful exercises will help you uncover your innate capacity to hold yourself—and the world around you—with compassion. Whether or not you take a formal Mindful Self-Compassion course, using this workbook can effect profound change in your life.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness and Real Love
“Mindful Self-Compassion has made me far more resilient—when a storm hits, I float on the surface of the rough sea and wait for it to pass, rather than thrashing around trying to outswim it. I am able to find a nugget of joy every day, no matter how small. This workbook encourages a deeper understanding and experience of MSC. I recommend it to everyone.”

—Heather R., Hampshire, United Kingdom