The Mindfulness Solution
Everyday Practices for Everyday Problems
Ronald D. Siegel
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderNovember 8, 2009
ISBN 9781606234563
Price: $57.00 356 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
orderNovember 9, 2009
ISBN 9781606232941
Price: $16.95 356 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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“The direct and readable style of The Mindfulness Solution quickly engaged me. The book has a manual-type format that may be followed by anyone wanting to teach themselves how to establish a mindfulness practice from first principles, along with plenty of new ideas and in-depth exploration to interest experienced practitioners....This wise book offers a fresh and helpful approach to both people who want to begin to practise mindfulness and to those with an already established practise.”

—Healthcare, Counselling, and Psychotherapy Journal
“The style is engaging and chatty, and the author recounts some surprisingly personal anecdotes. This makes the book easy to read....The practical extremely thorough and clearly draws on the author's extensive personal and clinical experience of mindfulness practice. It is full of useful tips....Each chapter ends with advice on seeking further help, and with a menu of suggested practices....This thorough menu of practices for different circumstances is where the book will be most useful to clinicians; for clients, its highlight may be the accompanying website with audio versions of many of the practices.”

—The Psychologist
“Offers strategies and practical solutions so that both formal and informal practices can be integrated into a person's routine, customized for their particular set of circumstances. It is a self-help book that comes with a web link to downloadable audio recordings of Dr. Siegel guiding practices....This is a friendly and useful resource for people interested in exploring the concept of as a way to better their mental or physical health. I think it also has some valuable ideas for the therapist who is interested in integrating some of the explanations and exercises with his or her client....I had never thought before about how one could incorporate practice as part of individual therapy. I appreciated the examples throughout the book to see how a therapist could work individually with a client by building a tailored toolkit for that client's preferences.”

“Dr. Siegel offers us an abundance of exercises, transformative practices, and the skillful means to live a mindful life of conscious awareness and meaningful connection. I applaud and recommend his unique perspective, gleaned from a life of meditation and psychotherapeutic practice and research. This wonderful book is a real contribution to the field of happiness studies and spiritual development.”

—Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
“Talk of 'mindfulness' brings up images of monks spending years on end doing something mysterious. But Dr. Siegel shows how to bring the simple wisdom of acceptance and mindfulness into the everyday actions of ordinary living. Gentle, genuine, and wise, this book coaxes, cajoles, and guides the reader into looking with clear eyes at how we humans get in our own way, and provides simple, powerful, step-by-step methods for learning how to live the kind of lives we want.”

—Steven C. Hayes, PhD, author of Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
“Down-to-earth and helpful, Dr. Siegel offers genuinely practical training in the transformative art of mindfulness.”

—Jack Kornfield, PhD, author of The Wise Heart
“This clear and practical guide can help you discover your own potential to develop mindfulness. It offers guidance for building a formal meditation practice as well as tools for coping in everyday life.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness
“In your hands is a readily accessible book that can walk you step by step to a better life. Being present in the moment with acceptance is more than just a practice—it is a key research-proven strategy that promotes health in the body, in the mind, and in our relationships with one another. Now is the time—and here is the invitation—to step into a new way of being that can reduce anxiety, stress, and fear, and enhance joy, gratitude and well-being in your life.”

—Daniel J. Siegel, MD, author of Mindsight
“Mindfulness is an innate capacity that, when cultivated, can awaken us to true health and happiness. Dr. Siegel's book is a clear and comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to apply the power of mindful awareness to challenging emotions, physical pain, or relational difficulties. Filled with wisdom that is both practical and deep, this book is an invitation to live the real moments of our life with presence and heart.”

—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance
“Both accessible and persuasive in showing how mindful awareness can help us take care of ourselves and stay centered as we navigate life's inevitable challenges.”

—Zindel V. Segal, PhD, coauthor of The Mindful Way through Depression

—Healthcare, Counselling, and Psychotherapy Journal
“The style is engaging and chatty, and the author recounts some surprisingly personal anecdotes. This makes the book easy to read....The practical extremely thorough and clearly draws on the author's extensive personal and clinical experience of mindfulness practice. It is full of useful tips....Each chapter ends with advice on seeking further help, and with a menu of suggested practices....This thorough menu of practices for different circumstances is where the book will be most useful to clinicians; for clients, its highlight may be the accompanying website with audio versions of many of the practices.”

—The Psychologist
“Offers strategies and practical solutions so that both formal and informal practices can be integrated into a person's routine, customized for their particular set of circumstances. It is a self-help book that comes with a web link to downloadable audio recordings of Dr. Siegel guiding practices....This is a friendly and useful resource for people interested in exploring the concept of as a way to better their mental or physical health. I think it also has some valuable ideas for the therapist who is interested in integrating some of the explanations and exercises with his or her client....I had never thought before about how one could incorporate practice as part of individual therapy. I appreciated the examples throughout the book to see how a therapist could work individually with a client by building a tailored toolkit for that client's preferences.”

“Dr. Siegel offers us an abundance of exercises, transformative practices, and the skillful means to live a mindful life of conscious awareness and meaningful connection. I applaud and recommend his unique perspective, gleaned from a life of meditation and psychotherapeutic practice and research. This wonderful book is a real contribution to the field of happiness studies and spiritual development.”

—Lama Surya Das, author of Awakening the Buddha Within
“Talk of 'mindfulness' brings up images of monks spending years on end doing something mysterious. But Dr. Siegel shows how to bring the simple wisdom of acceptance and mindfulness into the everyday actions of ordinary living. Gentle, genuine, and wise, this book coaxes, cajoles, and guides the reader into looking with clear eyes at how we humans get in our own way, and provides simple, powerful, step-by-step methods for learning how to live the kind of lives we want.”

—Steven C. Hayes, PhD, author of Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
“Down-to-earth and helpful, Dr. Siegel offers genuinely practical training in the transformative art of mindfulness.”

—Jack Kornfield, PhD, author of The Wise Heart
“This clear and practical guide can help you discover your own potential to develop mindfulness. It offers guidance for building a formal meditation practice as well as tools for coping in everyday life.”

—Sharon Salzberg, author of Lovingkindness
“In your hands is a readily accessible book that can walk you step by step to a better life. Being present in the moment with acceptance is more than just a practice—it is a key research-proven strategy that promotes health in the body, in the mind, and in our relationships with one another. Now is the time—and here is the invitation—to step into a new way of being that can reduce anxiety, stress, and fear, and enhance joy, gratitude and well-being in your life.”

—Daniel J. Siegel, MD, author of Mindsight
“Mindfulness is an innate capacity that, when cultivated, can awaken us to true health and happiness. Dr. Siegel's book is a clear and comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to apply the power of mindful awareness to challenging emotions, physical pain, or relational difficulties. Filled with wisdom that is both practical and deep, this book is an invitation to live the real moments of our life with presence and heart.”

—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance
“Both accessible and persuasive in showing how mindful awareness can help us take care of ourselves and stay centered as we navigate life's inevitable challenges.”

—Zindel V. Segal, PhD, coauthor of The Mindful Way through Depression