The Psychological Construction of Emotion

Edited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and James A. Russell
Afterword by Joseph E. LeDoux

Hardcovere-bookprint + e-book
October 29, 2014
ISBN 9781462516971
Price: $78.00
479 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
November 10, 2014
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Price: $78.00
479 Pages
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479 Pages
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Read a Q&A with featured author, Lisa Feldman Barrett!
1. An Introduction to Psychological Construction, Lisa Feldman Barrett and James A. Russell

I. Foundations

2. Mental Mechanisms and Psychological Construction, Mitchell Herschbach & William Bechtel

3. Ten Common Misconceptions about Psychological Construction Theories of Emotion, Lisa Feldman Barrett

II. Psychological Construction Theories

4. The Conceptual Act Theory: A Roadmap, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Christine D. Wilson-Mendenhall, & Lawrence W. Barsalou

5. The Neuroscience of Construction: What Neuroimaging Approaches Can Tell Us about How the Brain Creates the Mind, Suzanne Oosterwijk, Alexandra Touroutoglou, & Kristen A. Lindquist

6. Emotions as Semantic Pointers: Constructive Neural Mechanisms, Paul Thagard & Tobias Schröder

7. Affect Dynamics: Iterative Reprocessing in the Production of Emotional Responses, William A. Cunningham, Kristen Dunfield, & Paul Stillman

8. My Psychological Construction Perspective, with a Focus on Conscious Affective Experience, James A. Russell

9. Emotions as Emergent Variables, James A. Coan & Marlen Z. Gonzalez

III. Core Affect

10. Brain Mechanisms of Pleasure: The Core Affect Component of Emotion, Morton L. Kringelbach & Kent C. Berridge

11. Mesolimbic Dopamine and Emotion: A Complex Contribution to a Complex Phenomenon, John D. Salamone, Mercè Correa, Patrick A. Randall, & Eric J. Nunes

12. An Approach to Mapping the Neurophysiological State of the Body to Affective Experience, Ian R. Kleckner and Karen S. Quigley

IV. Commentary and Consilience

13. Can an Appraisal Model Be Compatible with Psychological Constructionism?, Andrew Ortony & Gerald Clore

14. Basic Emotions, Psychological Construction, and the Problem of Variability, Andrea Scarantino

15. A Sociodynamic Perspective on the Construction of Emotion, Michael Boiger & Batja Mesquita

16. Evolutionary Constraints and Cognitive Mechanisms in the Construction of an Emotion: Insights from Human and Nonhuman Primates, Jennifer M. B. Fugate

V. Integration and Reflection

17. The Greater Constructionist Project for Emotion, James A. Russell

18. Construction as an Integrative Framework for the Science of the Emotion, Lisa Feldman Barrett

Afterword: Emotional Construction in the Brain, Joseph LeDoux
