The Social Psychology of Stigma
Edited by Todd F. Heatherton, Robert E. Kleck, Michelle R. Hebl, and Jay G. Hull
orderJuly 16, 2003
ISBN 9781572309425
Price: $58.00 450 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 2000
“Detailed investigations of stigma serve as a gathering point for students to explore a wide variety of mainstream social-clinical topics, including a) stereotypes; b) prejudice and discrimination; c) social salience; d) social interaction (or lack thereof); e) the self, self-perception, and self-esteem; f) stress and health; and g) ingroup–outgroup issues....A fine work that should be as liberally used in the classroom as it is bound to be in the laboratory.”

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“Thought-provoking and insightful....Merits and demands careful reading.”

—American Journal of Psychiatry
“Because of the encyclopedic compendium of stigma research contained in this book, its clear organizational format, and some of the chapters' original theoretical contributions, it should be standard reading for anyone who conducts research on or teaches about stigma.”

—Contemporary Sociology
“Provides original and valuable insights into an issue that psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers face in clinical practice. This book can also serve as a good reference for cultural competence training for graduate students in health-related disciplines.”

—Psychiatric Services

—Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology
“Thought-provoking and insightful....Merits and demands careful reading.”

—American Journal of Psychiatry
“Because of the encyclopedic compendium of stigma research contained in this book, its clear organizational format, and some of the chapters' original theoretical contributions, it should be standard reading for anyone who conducts research on or teaches about stigma.”

—Contemporary Sociology
“Provides original and valuable insights into an issue that psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers face in clinical practice. This book can also serve as a good reference for cultural competence training for graduate students in health-related disciplines.”

—Psychiatric Services