The Sustainable Development Paradox

Urban Political Economy in the United States and Europe

Edited by Rob Krueger and David Gibbs

August 30, 2007
ISBN 9781593854980
Price: $47.00
310 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

Introduction: Problematizing the Politics of Sustainability, Rob Krueger and David Gibbs

1. Impossible “Sustainability” and the Postpolitical Condition, Erik Swyngedouw

2. Sustaining Modernity, Modernizing Nature: The Environmental Crisis and the Survival of Capitalism, Roger Keil

3. Microgeographies and Microruptures: The Politics of Gender in the Theory and Practice of Sustainability, Susan Buckingham

4. Containing the Contradictions of Rapid Development?: New Economy Spaces and Sustainable Urban Development, David Gibbs and Rob Krueger

5. Greening the Entrepreneurial City?: Looking for Spaces of Sustainability Politics in the Competitive City, Andrew E. G. Jonas and Aidan While

6. Integrating Sustainabilities in a Context of Economic, Social, and Urban Change: The Case of Public Spaces in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona, Marc Parés and David Saurí

7. Political Modernization and the Weakening of Sustainable Development in Britain, Anna Batchelor and Alan Patterson

8. Spatial Policy, Sustainability, and State Restructuring: A Reassessment of Sustainable Community Building in England, Mike Raco

9. The Spatial Politics of Conservation Planning, James P. Evans

10. The Imperial Valley of California: Sustainability, Water, Agriculture, and Urban Growth, Stephanie Pincetl and Basil Katz