The Wisdom in Feeling

Psychological Processes in Emotional Intelligence

Edited by Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey
Foreword by John D. Mayer

August 19, 2002
ISBN 9781572307858
Price: $78.00
444 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

Read a Q&A with featured author, Lisa Feldman Barrett!
Introduction, Lisa Feldman Barrett and Peter Salovey

I. Perceiving Emotion

1. Vocal Acoustics in Emotional Intelligence, Jo-Anne Bachorowski and Michael J. Owren

2. Emotional Intelligence and the Recognition of Emotion from Facial Expressions, Hillary Anger Elfenbein, Abigail A. Marsh, and Nalini Ambady

3. Extinction, Inhibition, and Emotional Intelligence, James B. Nelson and Mark E. Bouton

II. Using Emotion in Thought and Action

4. Affect as Information: An Individual-Differences Approach, Carol L. Gohm and Gerald L. Clore

5. The Trouble with Vronsky: Impact Bias in the Forecasting of Future Affective States, Daniel T. Gilbert, Erin Driver-Linn, and Timothy D. Wilson

6. Situated Cognition and the Wisdom in Feelings: Cognitive Tuning, Norbert Schwarz

7. Emotional Response Categorization as Emotionally Intelligent Behavior, Paula M. Niedenthal, Nathalie Dalle, and Anette Rohmann

8. Emotion and Persuasion: Thoughts on the Role of Emotional Intelligence, David DeSteno and Julia Braverman

9. The Role of Emotion in Strategic Behavior: Insights from Psychopathology, Cary R. Savage

III. Understanding Emotion

10. "Why Is She Crying?": Children's Understanding of Emotion from Preschool to Preadolescence, Susanne A. Denham and Anita Kochanoff

11. Complexity of Emotion Representations, Richard D. Lane and Branka Zei Pollermann

IV. Managing Emotion

12. Wise Emotion Regulation, James J. Gross and Oliver P. John

13. Positive Emotions and Emotional Intelligence, Michele M. Tugade and Barbara L. Fredrickson

14. The Functional Utility of Negative Emotions, W. Gerrod Parrott

V. Extensions

15. Toward a Shared Language for Emotion and Emotional Intelligence, James A. Russell and Kimberly A. Barchard

16. Sensitivity and Flexibility: Exploring the Knowledge Function of Automatic Attitudes, Melissa J. Ferguson and John A. Bargh

17. Theory of Mind, Autism, and Emotional Intelligence, Robert James Richard Blair