Think First
Addressing Aggressive Behavior in Secondary Schools
Jim Larson
A Paperback Original
A Paperback Original
orderFebruary 1, 2005
ISBN 9781593851262
Price: $36.00 208 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
“Larson's book is based on solid conceptual principles with a well-researched background. The Think First training modules are logically laid out and easy to follow, with a wealth of helpful hints for novice and experienced practitioners alike. One exceptional point is made that is worth the price of the book: intervention and teaching skills are inadequate without generalization in the real world. One must also practice, practice, practice. School psychologists, administrators, teachers, and those responsible for training these professionals should take note of this text and add it to their toolbox of interventions, as well as incorporating it into training programs. Overall, this is an excellent resource.”

—Twylla Abrahamson, PhD, Family Residential Division, River Oak Center for Children, Sacramento, CA
“This is a practical and informative guide for mental health professionals and others concerned not only with reducing the occurrence of aggressive behaviors in schools, but also with encouraging the development of prosocial alternatives. Presented is a research-based, cognitive-behavioral intervention, including step-by-step guidelines for practitioners. I recommend this book as a useful text for graduate-level clinical training in school psychology, school social work, and education.”

—Douglas C. Smith, PhD, Department of Counselor Education, University of Hawaii
“Outstanding....This book makes unique contributions both to understanding aggressive behavior in school settings and to screening, identification, and assessment practices for school personnel. Mental health and student support services personnel will find the five-module treatment manual an excellent resource from which a school-based intervention system can be crafted. Think First would make an excellent text for intervention courses and seminars that focus on aggression and other types of externalizing behaviors.”

—George M. Batsche, EdD, Graduate Programs in School Psychology and Institute for School Reform, University of South Florida
“This book is full of useful material for professionals in middle and secondary learning environments. Included are research-supported sequential activities and ready-made forms that can be easily copied and used to support a well-documented, child-specific intervention. School psychologists, social workers, counselors, administrators, and teachers of at-risk students will find this a helpful tool in identifying and interrupting patterns that are leading toward increasing levels of aggression in today's youth.”

—Patricia Kies, EdS, School Psychologist, Parker High School, Janesville, Wisconsin

—Twylla Abrahamson, PhD, Family Residential Division, River Oak Center for Children, Sacramento, CA
“This is a practical and informative guide for mental health professionals and others concerned not only with reducing the occurrence of aggressive behaviors in schools, but also with encouraging the development of prosocial alternatives. Presented is a research-based, cognitive-behavioral intervention, including step-by-step guidelines for practitioners. I recommend this book as a useful text for graduate-level clinical training in school psychology, school social work, and education.”

—Douglas C. Smith, PhD, Department of Counselor Education, University of Hawaii
“Outstanding....This book makes unique contributions both to understanding aggressive behavior in school settings and to screening, identification, and assessment practices for school personnel. Mental health and student support services personnel will find the five-module treatment manual an excellent resource from which a school-based intervention system can be crafted. Think First would make an excellent text for intervention courses and seminars that focus on aggression and other types of externalizing behaviors.”

—George M. Batsche, EdD, Graduate Programs in School Psychology and Institute for School Reform, University of South Florida
“This book is full of useful material for professionals in middle and secondary learning environments. Included are research-supported sequential activities and ready-made forms that can be easily copied and used to support a well-documented, child-specific intervention. School psychologists, social workers, counselors, administrators, and teachers of at-risk students will find this a helpful tool in identifying and interrupting patterns that are leading toward increasing levels of aggression in today's youth.”

—Patricia Kies, EdS, School Psychologist, Parker High School, Janesville, Wisconsin