Touch in Psychotherapy

Theory, Research, and Practice

Edited by Edward W. L. Smith, Pauline Rose Clance, and Suzanne Imes

February 15, 2001
ISBN 9781572306622
Price: $41.00
248 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1998

As a therapist, do you ever shake hands with a client? Do you ever lightly touch a client's hand or shoulder as a conversational marker? What happens if you inadvertently touch a client? Nonerotic touch is a powerful form of communication, and research and clinical experience indicate that it can contribute to positive therapeutic change when used appropriately. This thoughtful book brings together experienced clinicians to review the research and to offer ethical, theoretical, and practical guidelines for using nonerotic touch in therapy settings. Featuring extensive clinical commentary and case examples, chapters address such topics as evaluating a client's desire to be touched, working with survivors of sexual abuse, the role of touch in regression and reparenting approaches, communicating with clients about the use of touch, and managing “touch errors.”