Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents

Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models

Edited by Julian D. Ford and Christine A. Courtois

Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
September 24, 2015
ISBN 9781462524617
Price: $45.00
368 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
Copyright Date: 2013
July 11, 2013
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Price: $45.00
368 Pages
Copyright Date: 2013
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368 Pages
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I. Complex Trauma in Childhood and Adolescence

1. Relational Trauma, Brain Development, and Dissociation, Allan N. Schore

2. Childhood Trauma, Brain Connectivity, and the Self, Ruth A. Lanius, Robyn Bluhm, & Paul A. Frewen

3. Relational Trauma and Disorganized Attachment, Pamela C. Alexander

4. Betrayal Trauma, Laura A. Kaehler, Rebecca Babcock, Anne P. DePrince, & Jennifer J. Freyd

5. Cumulative Trauma in Childhood, Damion Grasso, Carolyn Greene, & Julian D. Ford

6. The Translational Evidence Base, Ruth R. DeRosa, Lisa Amaya-Jackson, & Christopher M. Layne

7. Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis, Julian D. Ford, Kathleen Nader, & Kenneth E. Fletcher

II. Individual Psychotherapy Models

8. Integrative Treatment of Complex Trauma, Cheryl Lanktree & John Briere

9. Dissociation-Focused Therapy, Sandra Wieland & Joyanna Silberg

10. Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Matthew Kliethermes, Rachel Wamser Nanney, Judith A. Cohen, & Anthony P. Mannarino

11. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Debra Wesselmann & Francine Shapiro

12. Dialectical Behavior Therapy with Adolescents, Ruth R. DeRosa & Jill H. Rathus

III. Systemic Approaches to Treatment

13. The Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics, Bruce D. Perry & Christine L. Dobson

14. Developmental Trauma Therapy Models, Julian D. Ford, Margaret E. Blaustein, Mandy Habib, & Richard Kagan

15. The Sanctuary Model, Sandra L. Bloom

16. Child–Parent Psychotherapy and Historical Trauma, Amy Klatzkin, Alicia F. Lieberman, & Patricia Van Horn

17. Parent–Child Interaction Therapy, Anthony J. Urquiza & Susan Timmer

18. Trauma Systems Therapy, Carryl P. Navalta, Adam D. Brown, Amanda Nisewaner, B. Heidi Ellis, & Glenn N. Saxe

19. Conclusion, Julian D. Ford & Christine A. Courtois
