Treating Somatization

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach

Robert L. Woolfolk and Lesley A. Allen

October 13, 2006
ISBN 9781593853501
Price: $47.00
226 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"

1. Introduction

2. Somatization: Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics, and Treatment

3. Affective Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Somatization: Rationale and Overview

4. Assessment

5. The Context of the Therapy

6. Behavioral Interventions

7. Working with Cognitions and Emotions

8. Interpersonal Methods

9. Assorted Clinical Topics


A. Ten-Session Treatment Manual

B. Clinical Trial Assessing the Efficacy of Affective Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

C. Severity of Somatic Symptoms Scale

D. Somatic Symptom Questionnaire

E. Instructions for Abbreviated Progressive Muscle Relaxation

F. Examining Thoughts