Treatment Plans and Interventions for Insomnia

A Case Formulation Approach

Rachel Manber and Colleen E. Carney

A Paperback Originale-bookprint + e-book
A Paperback Original
March 10, 2015
ISBN 9781462520084
Price: $47.00
286 Pages
Size: 8" x 10½"
March 30, 2015
Price: $47.00
286 Pages
print + e-book
A Paperback Original + e-Book (PDF) ?
Price: $94.00 $56.40
286 Pages
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“This manual is destined to become a prime tool in the provision of CBT-I. Manber and Carney deftly instruct therapists in the essential sleep medicine and cognitive-behavioral principles that undergird CBT-I. They guide the therapist in assessing and conceptualizing each case in a way that allows for flexible application and can be nicely tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Perhaps most useful are the two case examples used throughout the book to illustrate how CBT-I principles are applied. This book is a 'must' for all clinicians who are new to CBT-I, but even seasoned behavioral sleep medicine specialists will greatly benefit from the experience and wisdom of these two gifted authors.”

—Donn Posner, PhD, CBSM, Palo Alto VA Healthcare System; former Clinical Director of Behavioral Sleep Medicine, Sleep Disorders Center of Lifespan Hospitals/Rhode Island Hospital

“This excellent treatment manual provides a step-by-step approach to treating insomnia, whether it is the main problem or a condition coexisting with another medical or psychiatric disorder. The book is practical, up to date, and evidence based. It provides all the 'nuts and bolts' for efficient and effective intervention.”

—Charles M. Morin, PhD, Professor of Psychology and Director, Sleep Research Center, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada