Vocabulary Instruction for Struggling Students
Patricia F. Vadasy and J. Ron Nelson
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderFebruary 6, 2012
ISBN 9781462502820
Price: $36.00 190 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Patricia F. Vadasy, PhD, is Senior Researcher at the Oregon Research Institute in Seattle, Washington. Her background is in early reading acquisition and instruction, instructional design, and intervention research. Dr. Vadasy oversees a research team engaged in research on effective school-based literacy interventions for at-risk and struggling students. She has published findings on her grant-funded intervention research widely in peer-reviewed journals. She is the lead author (with Rollanda E. O’Connor) of the Sound Partners code-oriented supplemental tutoring program.
J. Ron Nelson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research and over 150 publications have focused on serving children at risk of school failure and on research issues, and he has developed a number of behavior and literacy interventions. Dr. Nelson is a recipient of the Distinguished Early Career Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children.
J. Ron Nelson, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research and over 150 publications have focused on serving children at risk of school failure and on research issues, and he has developed a number of behavior and literacy interventions. Dr. Nelson is a recipient of the Distinguished Early Career Research Award from the Council for Exceptional Children.