What Psychotherapists Should Know About Disability
Rhoda Olkin
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderJanuary 5, 2001
ISBN 9781572306431
Price: $55.00 368 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
Copyright Date: 1999
This book is available in alternate formats for people with disabilities. Contact Guilford Customer Service for details.
Introduction and Overview
1. Who Are People with Disabilities?
2. The Minority Model of Disability
3. The Disability Experience: I. Stereotypes and Attitudes
4. The Disability Experience: II. Affect and Everyday Experiences
5. Families with Disabilities
6. Laws and Social History
7. Beginning Treatment
8. Etiquette with Clients with Disabilities
9. Interviews, Assessment, Evaluation, and Diagnosis
10. Dating, Romance, Sexuality, Pregnancy, Birthing, and Genetic Testing
11. Special Issues in Therapy with Clients with Disabilities
12. Assistive Technology and Devices
13. The Personal, the Professional, and the Political
14. Research on Disability: Shifting the Paradigm from Pathology to Policy
15. For Teachers and Supervisors