What Works for Whom?
Second Edition
A Critical Review of Treatments for Children and Adolescents
Peter Fonagy, David Cottrell, Jeannette Phillips, Dickon Bevington, Danya Glaser, and Elizabeth Allison
HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderOctober 13, 2014
ISBN 9781462516186
Price: $87.00 639 Pages
Size: 7⅜" x 9¼"
orderNovember 12, 2015
ISBN 9781462525928
Price: $58.00639 Pages
Size: 7⅜" x 9¼"
The standard reference in the field, this acclaimed work synthesizes findings from hundreds of carefully selected studies of mental health treatments for children and adolescents. Chapters on frequently encountered clinical problems systematically review the available data, identify gaps in what is known, and spell out recommendations for evidence-based practice. The authors draw on extensive clinical experience as well as research expertise. Showcasing the most effective psychosocial and pharmacological interventions for young patients, they also address challenges in translating research into real-world clinical practice.
New to This Edition
New to This Edition
- Incorporates over a decade of research advances and evolving models of evidence-based care.
- New chapter topic: child maltreatment.
- Separate chapters on self-injurious behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorders (previously covered in a single chapter on self-harming disorders).
- Expanded chapters on depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder.
- Includes reviews of the burgeoning range of manualized psychosocial “treatment packages” for children.