When Someone You Love Is Bipolar
Help and Support for You and Your Partner
Cynthia G. Last
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderApril 16, 2009
ISBN 9781593856083
Price: $16.95306 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
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“Fact filled and loaded with advice.”

—Library Journal
“Few books deal with the challenges that bipolar disorder poses for couples. Anyone whose spouse or partner has the illness should read this easy-to-digest guide. Dr. Last helps the spouse understand what the sufferer is going through and how both partners can get their needs met. Couples will find much useful information for coping with the disorder, improving communication, strengthening their relationships, and taking care of each other on both a practical and an emotional level.”

—David J. Miklowitz, PhD, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
“This book is peppered with brilliant and intimate accounts of the personal journeys of Dr. Last, her patients, and their loving families. It is a fabulous resource for anyone who is riding the roller coaster with a spouse or partner who has bipolar disorder.”

—Mani Pavuluri, MD, PhD, author of What Works for Bipolar Kids
“With a lot of love and hard work, the two of us have been able to achieve a stable and wonderful life. My wife has written this book for you and your partner, so that you can benefit from everything the two of us have learned during the course of our relationship about living, as a couple, with bipolar disorder.”

—from the Foreword by the author's husband, Barry M. Rubin
“This book is a 'must read' for loved ones of bipolar sufferers. Dr. Last's candid sharing of her own personal struggles, and her therapeutic insight and recommendations, will resonate deeply with readers.”

—Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP, coauthor of Raising a Moody Child

—Library Journal
“Few books deal with the challenges that bipolar disorder poses for couples. Anyone whose spouse or partner has the illness should read this easy-to-digest guide. Dr. Last helps the spouse understand what the sufferer is going through and how both partners can get their needs met. Couples will find much useful information for coping with the disorder, improving communication, strengthening their relationships, and taking care of each other on both a practical and an emotional level.”

—David J. Miklowitz, PhD, UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA
“This book is peppered with brilliant and intimate accounts of the personal journeys of Dr. Last, her patients, and their loving families. It is a fabulous resource for anyone who is riding the roller coaster with a spouse or partner who has bipolar disorder.”

—Mani Pavuluri, MD, PhD, author of What Works for Bipolar Kids
“With a lot of love and hard work, the two of us have been able to achieve a stable and wonderful life. My wife has written this book for you and your partner, so that you can benefit from everything the two of us have learned during the course of our relationship about living, as a couple, with bipolar disorder.”

—from the Foreword by the author's husband, Barry M. Rubin
“This book is a 'must read' for loved ones of bipolar sufferers. Dr. Last's candid sharing of her own personal struggles, and her therapeutic insight and recommendations, will resonate deeply with readers.”

—Mary A. Fristad, PhD, ABPP, coauthor of Raising a Moody Child