Wisdom and Compassion in Psychotherapy

Deepening Mindfulness in Clinical Practice

Edited by Christopher Germer and Ronald D. Siegel
Foreword by The Dalai Lama

HardcoverPaperbacke-bookprint + e-book
March 7, 2012
ISBN 9781462503766
Price: $68.00
407 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
September 23, 2014
ISBN 9781462518869
Price: $45.00
407 Pages
Size: 6" x 9"
June 6, 2017
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Price: $45.00
407 Pages
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407 Pages
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Introduction, Christopher K. Germer & Ronald D. Siegel

I. What Are Wisdom and Compassion? Why Should We Care?

1. Wisdom and Compassion: Two Wings of a Bird, Ronald D. Siegel & Christopher K. Germer

2. Mindful Presence: A Foundation for Compassion and Wisdom, Tara Brach

3. Building Lives of Compassion and Wisdom, Barbara L. Fredrickson

II. The Meaning of Compassion

4. Compassion in Buddhist Psychology, John Makransky

5. The Compassionate Therapist, Elissa Ely

6. The Science of Self-Compassion, Kristin D. Neff

7. Cultivating Compassion in Psychotherapy, Christopher K. Germer

8. The Neurobiology of Compassion, Richard J. Davidson

III. The Meaning of Wisdom

9. Wisdom in Buddhist Psychology, Andrew Olendzki

10. The Wise Psychotherapist, Ronald D. Siegel

11. The Science of Wisdom: Implications for Psychotherapy, Robert J. Sternberg

12. The Wisdom of Connection, Janet Surrey & Judith V. Jordan

13. Self and No-Self in Psychotherapy, Jack Engler & Paul R. Fulton

14. Neurobiological Foundations of Wisdom, Thomas W. Meeks, B. Rael Cahn, & Dilip V. Jeste

IV. Clinical Applications

15. Wisdom, Compassion, and Suicidal Patients, Marsha M. Linehan & Anita Lungu

16. Substance Abuse and Relapse Prevention, G. Alan Marlatt, Sarah Bowen, & M. Kathleen B. Lustyk

17. Anxiety Disorders: Acceptance, Compassion, and Wisdom, Lizabeth Roemer & Susan M. Orsillo

18. Depression: Suffering in the Flow of Life, Paul Gilbert

19. Working with Trauma: Mindfulness and Compassion, John Briere

20. The Heart of Couple Therapy, Richard Borofsky & Antra K. Borofsky

V. In and Around the Consultation Room

21. Mindful Parenting as a Path to Wisdom and Compassion, Trudy Goodman, Susan Kaiser Greenland, & Daniel J. Siegel

22. Drawing on the Wisdom of Religious Traditions in Psychotherapy, Kenneth I. Pargament & Carol Ann Faigin

23. Compassion and Wisdom: Growing through Ethics, Stephanie P. Morgan