Women's Mental Health
A Comprehensive Textbook
Edited by Susan G. Kornstein and Anita H. Clayton
Paperbacke-bookprint + e-book
orderDecember 15, 2004
ISBN 9781593851446
Price: $80.00 638 Pages
Size: 7" x 10"
Copyright Date: 2002
View the subject index.
“A tour de force....Comprehensive, authoritative, and well-balanced....It will be of special interest to those in mental health fields, but it will also serve the needs of all health care providers....A must for a reference library and for any clinician interested in women's health.”

—The New England Journal of Medicine
“A must read for anyone serious about understanding and providing mental health services for women....Whether you are looking for the latest update on psychopharmacology, on treatment of specific diagnostic categories, on the interface between psychiatric and medical illnesses, on sociological or cultural issues, or on ethical and policy concerns, you will find what you are looking for in this book.”

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“I have a summary recommendation: put this book on your shelf of easily accessible reference texts after you read it cover to cover....Editors Kornstein and Clayton (and their contributors) have done a remarkable job identifying and summarizing the available literature about women's mental health....All chapters are good, and the majority are superb.”

—Psychological Medicine
“The editors of this textbook are both scholars who are nationally recognized experts in women's mental health issues....[It is] an excellent compendium that should serve as a useful reference for both experienced practitioners and their students.”

“A worthy reference for clinicians....this excellent reference lets us know how little we understand about women's physiology and mental health.”

—Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Book Reviews
“Clinicians should find this book a comprehensive reference source.”

—Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
“This well-written and comprehensive review of women's mental health would be a useful reference for social work or psychology students who are beginning to work in the field of mental health as well as the more experienced clinician or primary care physician who would like to keep abreast of changes in the field of mental health.”

—Social Work in Health Care
“...fills a wide gap in today's literature in that it inclusively features the psychobiological, psychiatric, consultative, sociocultural, investigative, and health policy perspectives regarding gender differences....it is just this type of readily accessible information that should be a part of every clinical social worker's professional library. In order to provide adequate standards of patient care, to collaborate with one's medical colleagues, and to provide the broadest possible perspective in the social work treatment milieu, clinical social workers would gain from use of this text as a reference point for more comprehensive understanding of overall treatment considerations.”

—Clinical Social Work Journal
“Women's Mental Health is a must read for anyone serious about understanding and providing mental health services for women. For starters, the book is thoughtfully organized into sections and chapters that allow the reader to group related topics into a cohesive whole. The 5 sections (Women's Psychobiology and Reproductive Life Cycle, Assessment and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Women, Psychiatric Consultation With Women, Sociocultural Issues for Women, and Research and Health Policy Issues) provide a logical framework for the topics such that, within each grouping, the chapters relate logically to one another....The editors have selected an impressive team of authors, and each chapter contains an extensive and up-to-date bibliography for the topic....this textbook is not only comprehensive but also balanced. Whether you are looking for the latest update on psychopharmacology, on treatment of specific diagnostic categories, on the interface between psychiatric and medical illnesses, on sociological or cultural issues, or on ethical and policy concerns, you will find what you are looking for in this book....I recommend it most highly, not only to those interested in women's health but to anyone who wants an appreciation of the way gender can determine pathways of health, illness, and care.”

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“...a fascinating and informative book built on the central premise that men and women ought to be diagnosed and treated differently by mental healthcare professionals....The research in this volume is extensive and the sources referred to are up to date and plentiful. I was impressed by the high standard of scholarship in this book compared to other clinical texts I've reviewed in which information presented was trivial, arguments and conclusions were flawed, and references were badly outdated....an excellent resource for anyone whose aim is to either understand or treat, or both, the psychological and biological aspects of women's mental health problems.”

“This comprehensive overview of women's mental health was designed to offer a combined psychobiological, psychosocial, and policy perspective to guide clinical practice and research. It is aimed at all levels, from beginners to those with experience in this field. Dr. Kornstein and Dr. Clayton are known experts in this area, and the authors they have assembled range from locally prominent to internationally known experts....I found this overall to be a good book that contains a great deal of information. It was clear, readable, and remarkably free of production errors. I see it as a suitable general introduction to this field and an excellent reference book for all therapists who, even though they may not specialize in women's mental health, will encounter these issues in their female patients.”

—Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
“Women's Mental Health: A Comprehensive Textbook, is appropriately named. I have a summary recommendation: put this book on your shelf of easily accessible reference texts after you read it cover to cover....Editors Kornstein and Clayton (and their contribution) have done a remarkable job identifying and summarizing the available literature about women's mental health. We are fortunate to be poised to meet the challenge for gender-focused research and clinical treatment recommended in the IOM reports from the platform of this fine book. The editors have thoughtfully divided the work into four sections: women's psychobiology and reproductive life cycle; assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders in women; sociocultural issues for women; and research and health policy issues. Clearly, the energetic editors have selected their contributors wisely. All chapters are good, and the majority are superb.”

—Psychological Medicine
“Its challenge of the gender bias in medicine and emphasis on women's health makes it a welcome addition to the medical literature. It would be an important resource book for academic psychologists teaching courses in physiology or researching women's mental health issues,as well as psychologists preparing for the possibility of prescriptive authority as it contains thorough chapters on sex differences in the neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter systems and how they relate to depression and anxiety as responses to stress and sex differences in drug absorption, metabolism, and effects. This textbook is well documented with extensive and current (mostly 1990's) reference lists....academic psychologists teaching courses in psychophysiology and psychopharmacology would find this book a most valuable resource. Those researching women's mental health or psychological issues concomitant with medical problems would also benefit by reading this book. Those developing expertise in prescriptive authority would find a wealth of information on drug effects and drug interactions. Also, a practitioner working in a group practice that included physicians or those working in a hospital setting with patients who also had physical issues would gain from this textbook. Finally, this book would make a good gift for physician friends who probably did not get much of this information in medical school.”

—Psychology of Women Quarterly
“If you want a comprehensive reference book on women's mental health, this 638-page volume, edited by two women, would not be a bad place to start. The strength of this book is that it is like a little encyclopedia. Women's Mental Health is a welcome addition to the number of new textbooks addressing gender issues and would be a good starting point for getting an overall familiarity with a topic. The heavy referencing is a major asset. The scope is comprehensive, covering historical features as well as both psychological and biological perspectives. The 37 chapters are brief but cover a lot and maintain striking readability.”

—Psychiatric Services
“The editors and authors of this book are to be congratulated for delivering a tour de force. They have produced a comprehensive, authoritative, and well-balanced book on sex and mental health. The editors have chosen their authors well and have accomplished an important task: they have managed to hold each author to a specific focus on his or her assigned topic. There is remarkably little repetition or overlap for a multiauthored book. The excellent cross referencing enables the reader to find references and topics quickly....It presents the current state of the art in this rapidly growing field. It will be of special interest to those in mental health fields, but it will also serve the needs of all health care providers. The range and depth of information it provides are rarely found in one comprehensive reference book....a 'must' for a reference library and for any clinician interested in women's health.”

—New England Journal of Medicine
“Women's Mental Health also pays attention to special populations, such as lesbian women, women of color, and aging and elderly women. It should serve as a reference for mental health and medical practitioners as well as a textbook for graduate level courses. Highly recommended for all health science collections.”

“Women's Mental Health is fine for a review of current scholarship on mental illnesses and women.”

—Feminist Collections
“This comprehensive volume enriches our understanding of the biological and psychosocial influences that shape women's lives, and provides important information for assessing and treating psychiatric disorders as women experience them. This book is a valuable contemporary reference for all clinicians.”

—Carolyn M. Mazure, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Director, Women's Health Research at Yale, Yale University School of Medicine
“Impressive for the breadth and depth of its coverage, this is an outstanding sourcebook for psychiatrists, primary care physicians, and other medical professionals treating women. Well organized, clearly written, and thoughtful, the book integrates virtually all that is currently known about women's mental health and provides the most current, comprehensive, and authoritative coverage of the field. This book is a 'must' for any physician's shelf.”

—Alan Schatzberg, MD, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University Medical School
“...The textbook displays a remarkable understanding of the role of psychological issues in the development and course of disease....The breadth of issues presented—ranging from the reproductive cycle and psychiatric disorders to sociocultural issues—makes the textbook a valuable mental health resource for women at any stage of their lives.”

—Phyllis Greenberger, MSW, President and CEO, Society for Women's Health Research

—The New England Journal of Medicine
“A must read for anyone serious about understanding and providing mental health services for women....Whether you are looking for the latest update on psychopharmacology, on treatment of specific diagnostic categories, on the interface between psychiatric and medical illnesses, on sociological or cultural issues, or on ethical and policy concerns, you will find what you are looking for in this book.”

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“I have a summary recommendation: put this book on your shelf of easily accessible reference texts after you read it cover to cover....Editors Kornstein and Clayton (and their contributors) have done a remarkable job identifying and summarizing the available literature about women's mental health....All chapters are good, and the majority are superb.”

—Psychological Medicine
“The editors of this textbook are both scholars who are nationally recognized experts in women's mental health issues....[It is] an excellent compendium that should serve as a useful reference for both experienced practitioners and their students.”

“A worthy reference for clinicians....this excellent reference lets us know how little we understand about women's physiology and mental health.”

—Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Book Reviews
“Clinicians should find this book a comprehensive reference source.”

—Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic
“This well-written and comprehensive review of women's mental health would be a useful reference for social work or psychology students who are beginning to work in the field of mental health as well as the more experienced clinician or primary care physician who would like to keep abreast of changes in the field of mental health.”

—Social Work in Health Care
“...fills a wide gap in today's literature in that it inclusively features the psychobiological, psychiatric, consultative, sociocultural, investigative, and health policy perspectives regarding gender differences....it is just this type of readily accessible information that should be a part of every clinical social worker's professional library. In order to provide adequate standards of patient care, to collaborate with one's medical colleagues, and to provide the broadest possible perspective in the social work treatment milieu, clinical social workers would gain from use of this text as a reference point for more comprehensive understanding of overall treatment considerations.”

—Clinical Social Work Journal
“Women's Mental Health is a must read for anyone serious about understanding and providing mental health services for women. For starters, the book is thoughtfully organized into sections and chapters that allow the reader to group related topics into a cohesive whole. The 5 sections (Women's Psychobiology and Reproductive Life Cycle, Assessment and Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders in Women, Psychiatric Consultation With Women, Sociocultural Issues for Women, and Research and Health Policy Issues) provide a logical framework for the topics such that, within each grouping, the chapters relate logically to one another....The editors have selected an impressive team of authors, and each chapter contains an extensive and up-to-date bibliography for the topic....this textbook is not only comprehensive but also balanced. Whether you are looking for the latest update on psychopharmacology, on treatment of specific diagnostic categories, on the interface between psychiatric and medical illnesses, on sociological or cultural issues, or on ethical and policy concerns, you will find what you are looking for in this book....I recommend it most highly, not only to those interested in women's health but to anyone who wants an appreciation of the way gender can determine pathways of health, illness, and care.”

—Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
“...a fascinating and informative book built on the central premise that men and women ought to be diagnosed and treated differently by mental healthcare professionals....The research in this volume is extensive and the sources referred to are up to date and plentiful. I was impressed by the high standard of scholarship in this book compared to other clinical texts I've reviewed in which information presented was trivial, arguments and conclusions were flawed, and references were badly outdated....an excellent resource for anyone whose aim is to either understand or treat, or both, the psychological and biological aspects of women's mental health problems.”

“This comprehensive overview of women's mental health was designed to offer a combined psychobiological, psychosocial, and policy perspective to guide clinical practice and research. It is aimed at all levels, from beginners to those with experience in this field. Dr. Kornstein and Dr. Clayton are known experts in this area, and the authors they have assembled range from locally prominent to internationally known experts....I found this overall to be a good book that contains a great deal of information. It was clear, readable, and remarkably free of production errors. I see it as a suitable general introduction to this field and an excellent reference book for all therapists who, even though they may not specialize in women's mental health, will encounter these issues in their female patients.”

—Canadian Journal of Psychiatry
“Women's Mental Health: A Comprehensive Textbook, is appropriately named. I have a summary recommendation: put this book on your shelf of easily accessible reference texts after you read it cover to cover....Editors Kornstein and Clayton (and their contribution) have done a remarkable job identifying and summarizing the available literature about women's mental health. We are fortunate to be poised to meet the challenge for gender-focused research and clinical treatment recommended in the IOM reports from the platform of this fine book. The editors have thoughtfully divided the work into four sections: women's psychobiology and reproductive life cycle; assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders in women; sociocultural issues for women; and research and health policy issues. Clearly, the energetic editors have selected their contributors wisely. All chapters are good, and the majority are superb.”

—Psychological Medicine
“Its challenge of the gender bias in medicine and emphasis on women's health makes it a welcome addition to the medical literature. It would be an important resource book for academic psychologists teaching courses in physiology or researching women's mental health issues,as well as psychologists preparing for the possibility of prescriptive authority as it contains thorough chapters on sex differences in the neuroendocrine and neurotransmitter systems and how they relate to depression and anxiety as responses to stress and sex differences in drug absorption, metabolism, and effects. This textbook is well documented with extensive and current (mostly 1990's) reference lists....academic psychologists teaching courses in psychophysiology and psychopharmacology would find this book a most valuable resource. Those researching women's mental health or psychological issues concomitant with medical problems would also benefit by reading this book. Those developing expertise in prescriptive authority would find a wealth of information on drug effects and drug interactions. Also, a practitioner working in a group practice that included physicians or those working in a hospital setting with patients who also had physical issues would gain from this textbook. Finally, this book would make a good gift for physician friends who probably did not get much of this information in medical school.”

—Psychology of Women Quarterly
“If you want a comprehensive reference book on women's mental health, this 638-page volume, edited by two women, would not be a bad place to start. The strength of this book is that it is like a little encyclopedia. Women's Mental Health is a welcome addition to the number of new textbooks addressing gender issues and would be a good starting point for getting an overall familiarity with a topic. The heavy referencing is a major asset. The scope is comprehensive, covering historical features as well as both psychological and biological perspectives. The 37 chapters are brief but cover a lot and maintain striking readability.”

—Psychiatric Services
“The editors and authors of this book are to be congratulated for delivering a tour de force. They have produced a comprehensive, authoritative, and well-balanced book on sex and mental health. The editors have chosen their authors well and have accomplished an important task: they have managed to hold each author to a specific focus on his or her assigned topic. There is remarkably little repetition or overlap for a multiauthored book. The excellent cross referencing enables the reader to find references and topics quickly....It presents the current state of the art in this rapidly growing field. It will be of special interest to those in mental health fields, but it will also serve the needs of all health care providers. The range and depth of information it provides are rarely found in one comprehensive reference book....a 'must' for a reference library and for any clinician interested in women's health.”

—New England Journal of Medicine
“Women's Mental Health also pays attention to special populations, such as lesbian women, women of color, and aging and elderly women. It should serve as a reference for mental health and medical practitioners as well as a textbook for graduate level courses. Highly recommended for all health science collections.”

“Women's Mental Health is fine for a review of current scholarship on mental illnesses and women.”

—Feminist Collections
“This comprehensive volume enriches our understanding of the biological and psychosocial influences that shape women's lives, and provides important information for assessing and treating psychiatric disorders as women experience them. This book is a valuable contemporary reference for all clinicians.”

—Carolyn M. Mazure, PhD, Department of Psychiatry and Director, Women's Health Research at Yale, Yale University School of Medicine
“Impressive for the breadth and depth of its coverage, this is an outstanding sourcebook for psychiatrists, primary care physicians, and other medical professionals treating women. Well organized, clearly written, and thoughtful, the book integrates virtually all that is currently known about women's mental health and provides the most current, comprehensive, and authoritative coverage of the field. This book is a 'must' for any physician's shelf.”

—Alan Schatzberg, MD, Chairman, Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University Medical School
“...The textbook displays a remarkable understanding of the role of psychological issues in the development and course of disease....The breadth of issues presented—ranging from the reproductive cycle and psychiatric disorders to sociocultural issues—makes the textbook a valuable mental health resource for women at any stage of their lives.”

—Phyllis Greenberger, MSW, President and CEO, Society for Women's Health Research