Women's Sexuality across the Life Span

Challenging Myths, Creating Meanings

Judith C. Daniluk

June 9, 2003
ISBN 9781572309111
Price: $52.00
416 Pages
Size: 6⅛" x 9¼"
Copyright Date: 1998

I. The Enigma of Women's Sexuality

1. Opening Pandora's Box

II. Childhood and Adolescence

2. Teaching the Children

3. Adolescence: Biological and Psychological Development

4. Menstruation: Initiation into Womanhood

5. "Bawdy" Image: From Subject to Object

6. Who Loves Ya, Babe?: Sexual Intimacies and Expression

III. Young Adulthood

7. Biological and Psychological Development

8. Creating a Life

9. In the Prime of Life: Living in Our Bodies

10. Fanning the Flames of Desire

IV. The Middle and Later Years

11. Biological and Psychological Development

12. When Being "Hot" Takes on New Meaning: Menopause

13. The Festival of Lipid Migration: Bodily Changes and Body Image

14. Intimate Connections: Sexual Expression and Relationships

15. Coming Full Circle


The Sexual Development of Children and Adolescents

Body Image and Struggles with Weight

The Aftermath of Sexual Violence

Lesbian Identity and Sexual Orientation

Reproductive Health and Decision Making

Disability and Illness

Issues for Women in the Middle and Later Years