New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
8 Ways to Hope: Charting a Path through Uncertain TimesWilliam R. Miller
The Brain Injury Rehabilitation WorkbookEdited by Rachel Winson, Barbara A. Wilson, and Andrew Bateman
Clinical Work with Substance-Abusing Clients: Third EditionEdited by Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner
Clinician's Guide to Research Methods in Family Therapy: Foundations of Evidence-Based PracticeLee Williams, JoEllen Patterson, and Todd M. Edwards
Cognitive Remediation for Successful Employment and Psychiatric Recovery: The Thinking Skills for Work ProgramSusan R. McGurk and Kim T. Mueser
Foreword by Robert E. Drake
Foreword by Robert E. Drake
Enhancing Attachment and Reflective Parenting in Clinical Practice: A Minding the Baby ApproachArietta Slade
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
With Lois S. Sadler, Tanika Eaves, and Denise L. Webb
Essential Assessment Skills for Couple and Family TherapistsLee Williams, Todd M. Edwards, JoEllen Patterson, and Larry Chamow
Essential Skills in Family Therapy: Third Edition: From the First Interview to TerminationJoEllen Patterson, Lee Williams, Todd M. Edwards, Larry Chamow, and Claudia Grauf-Grounds
Essentials of Neuropsychological RehabilitationBarbara A. Wilson and Shai Betteridge
Ethnicity and Family Therapy: Third EditionEdited by Monica McGoldrick, Joe Giordano, and Nydia Garcia Preto
Ethnocultural Factors in Substance Abuse TreatmentEdited by Shulamith Lala Ashenberg Straussner
Experiencing Motivational Interviewing from the Inside Out: A Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Workbook for Practitioners
David B. Rosengren, Lynne H. Johnston, and Charlotte E. Hilton

Family-Based Therapy for Latine Adolescents: The CIFFTA Model
Daniel A. Santisteban, Maite P. Mena, and David Santisteban

Fathers and Violence: A Program to Change Behavior, Improve Parenting, and Heal RelationshipsCarla Smith Stover
Foreword by Linda C. Mayes
Foreword by Linda C. Mayes
Grandparents as Parents: Second Edition: A Survival Guide for Raising a Second FamilySylvie de Toledo and Deborah Edler Brown
Handbook of Expressive Arts TherapyEdited by Cathy A. Malchiodi
Handbook of Social Work with Groups: Second EditionEdited by Charles D. Garvin, Lorraine M. Gutiérrez, and Maeda J. Galinsky
If Only…: Finding Freedom from RegretRobert L. Leahy
Invisible Chains: Overcoming Coercive Control in Your Intimate RelationshipLisa Aronson Fontes