New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Motivational Interviewing in Nutrition and FitnessDawn Clifford and Laura Curtis
Neuropsychology of Everyday Functioning: Second EditionEdited by Thomas D. Marcotte, Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, and Igor Grant
Night Eating Syndrome: Research, Assessment, and TreatmentEdited by Jennifer D. Lundgren, Kelly C. Allison, and Albert J. Stunkard
Foreword by James E. Mitchell
Foreword by James E. Mitchell
Opening Up by Writing It Down: Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional PainJames W. Pennebaker and Joshua M. Smyth
Principles and Practice of Sex Therapy: Sixth EditionEdited by Kathryn S. K. Hall and Yitzchak M. Binik
Principles and Practice of Stress Management: Fourth EditionEdited by Paul M. Lehrer and Robert L. Woolfolk
Foreword by Omer Van den Bergh
Foreword by Omer Van den Bergh
Psychological Approaches to Pain Management: Third Edition: A Practitioner's HandbookEdited by Dennis C. Turk and Robert J. Gatchel
Self-Determination Theory: Basic Psychological Needs in Motivation, Development, and WellnessRichard M. Ryan and Edward L. Deci
Sensory Pathways to Healing from Trauma: Harnessing the Brain’s Capacity for Change
Ruth A. Lanius, Sherain Harricharan, Breanne E. Kearney, and Benjamin Pandev-Girard

Sex Matters for Women: Second Edition: A Complete Guide to Taking Care of Your Sexual SelfSallie Foley, Sally A. Kope, and Dennis P. Sugrue
Sexuality in Adolescence and Emerging AdulthoodRaymond Montemayor
Stress, Coping, and Development: Second Edition: An Integrative PerspectiveCarolyn M. Aldwin
Foreword by Emmy E. Werner
Foreword by Emmy E. Werner
Stress, Health, and BehaviorRichard McCarty
Suicidology: A Comprehensive Biopsychosocial PerspectiveRonald W. Maris
Foreword by David A. Jobes
Foreword by David A. Jobes
Transforming Cognitive Rehabilitation: Effective Instructional MethodsMcKay Moore Sohlberg, Justine Hamilton, and Lyn S. Turkstra
Treating Sleep Problems: A Transdiagnostic ApproachAllison G. Harvey and Daniel J. Buysse
Treating Somatic Symptoms in Children and AdolescentsSara E. Williams and Nicole E. Zahka
Validity Assessment in Clinical Neuropsychological Practice: Evaluating and Managing Noncredible PerformanceEdited by Ryan W. Schroeder and Phillip K. Martin
What Science Tells Us about Autism Spectrum Disorder: Making the Right Choices for Your ChildRaphael A. Bernier, Geraldine Dawson, and Joel T. Nigg