New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Methods in Social NeuroscienceEdited by Eddie Harmon-Jones and Jennifer S. Beer
The Construction of the Self: Second Edition: Developmental and Sociocultural FoundationsSusan Harter
Foreword by William M. Bukowski
Foreword by William M. Bukowski
Integrative Assessment of Adult Personality: Third EditionT. Mark Harwood, Larry E. Beutler, and Gary Groth-Marnat
The Psychology of DesireEdited by Wilhelm Hofmann and Loran F. Nordgren
The Psychology of Religion: Fifth Edition: An Empirical ApproachRalph W. Hood, Jr., Peter C. Hill, and Bernard Spilka
Machine Learning for Social and Behavioral ResearchRoss Jacobucci, Kevin J. Grimm, and Zhiyong Zhang
Handbook of Personality: Fourth Edition: Theory and ResearchEdited by Oliver P. John and Richard W. Robins
Doing Statistical Mediation and ModerationPaul E. Jose
Dyadic Data AnalysisDavid A. Kenny, Deborah A. Kashy, and William L. Cook
Foreword by Jeffry A. Simpson
Foreword by Jeffry A. Simpson
Interpersonal Perception: Second Edition: The Foundation of Social RelationshipsDavid A. Kenny
Foreword by David C. Funder
Foreword by David C. Funder
Social Psychology: Third Edition: Handbook of Basic PrinciplesEdited by Paul A. M. Van Lange, E. Tory Higgins, and Arie W. Kruglanski
Handbook of Individual Differences in Social BehaviorEdited by Mark R. Leary and Rick H. Hoyle
Handbook of Self and Identity: Second EditionEdited by Mark R. Leary and June Price Tangney
SparkPatricia Leavy
Social Psychological Foundations of Clinical PsychologyEdited by James E. Maddux and June Price Tangney
Social Psychology and EvaluationEdited by Melvin M. Mark, Stewart I. Donaldson, and Bernadette Campbell
Handbook of Personality DevelopmentEdited by Dan P. McAdams, Rebecca L. Shiner, and Jennifer L. Tackett
The Art and Science of Personality DevelopmentDan P. McAdams
Conducting Personal Network Research: A Practical GuideChristopher McCarty, Miranda J. Lubbers, Raffaele Vacca, and José Luis Molina
Stress, Health, and BehaviorRichard McCarty
Personality in Adulthood: Second Edition: A Five-Factor Theory PerspectiveRobert R. McCrae and Paul T. Costa Jr.