New Titles:
Titles Available as e-Books:
Handbook of Adult ResilienceEdited by John W. Reich, Alex J. Zautra, and John Stuart Hall
Handbook of Cognition and EmotionEdited by Michael D. Robinson, Edward R. Watkins, and Eddie Harmon-Jones
Handbook of Competence and Motivation: Second Edition: Theory and ApplicationEdited by Andrew J. Elliot, Carol S. Dweck, and David S. Yeager
Handbook of Cultural Psychology: Second EditionEdited by Dov Cohen and Shinobu Kitayama
Handbook of Developmental Social NeuroscienceEdited by Michelle de Haan and Megan R. Gunnar
Handbook of Emotion Regulation: Third EditionEdited by James J. Gross and Brett Q. Ford
Handbook of Emotions: Fourth EditionEdited by Lisa Feldman Barrett, Michael Lewis, and Jeannette M. Haviland-Jones
Handbook of Experimental Existential PsychologyEdited by Jeff Greenberg, Sander L. Koole, and Tom Pyszczynski
Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioral MedicineEdited by Jerry M. Suls, Karina W. Davidson, and Robert M. Kaplan
Handbook of Implicit Social Cognition: Measurement, Theory, and ApplicationsEdited by Bertram Gawronski and B. Keith Payne
Handbook of Individual Differences in Social BehaviorEdited by Mark R. Leary and Rick H. Hoyle
Handbook of Language Analysis in PsychologyEdited by Morteza Dehghani and Ryan L. Boyd
Handbook of Mindfulness: Second Edition: Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by Kirk Warren Brown, J. David Creswell, and Richard M. Ryan

Handbook of Personality DevelopmentEdited by Dan P. McAdams, Rebecca L. Shiner, and Jennifer L. Tackett
Handbook of Personality: Fourth Edition: Theory and ResearchEdited by Oliver P. John and Richard W. Robins
Handbook of Positive EmotionsEdited by Michele M. Tugade, Michelle N. Shiota, and Leslie D. Kirby
Foreword by Barbara L. Fredrickson
Foreword by Barbara L. Fredrickson
Handbook of Research Methods in Personality PsychologyEdited by Richard W. Robins, R. Chris Fraley, and Robert F. Krueger
Handbook of Research Methods for Studying Daily LifeEdited by Matthias R. Mehl and Tamlin S. Conner
Foreword by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Foreword by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Handbook of Self and Identity: Second EditionEdited by Mark R. Leary and June Price Tangney
Handbook of Self-Enhancement and Self-ProtectionEdited by Mark D. Alicke and Constantine Sedikides
Handbook of Self-KnowledgeEdited by Simine Vazire and Timothy D. Wilson
Handbook of Self-Regulation: Third Edition: Research, Theory, and ApplicationsEdited by Kathleen D. Vohs and Roy F. Baumeister
Handbook of Socialization: Second Edition: Theory and ResearchEdited by Joan E. Grusec and Paul D. Hastings
Handbook of TemperamentEdited by Marcel Zentner and Rebecca L. Shiner
Handbook of Wise Interventions: How Social Psychology Can Help People ChangeEdited by Gregory M. Walton and Alia J. Crum