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Titles Available as e-Books:
Interviewing for Qualitative Inquiry: A Relational ApproachRuthellen Josselson
The Research Journey: Introduction to InquirySharon F. Rallis and Gretchen B. Rossman
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt
Foreword by Thomas A. Schwandt
When to Use What Research DesignW. Paul Vogt, Dianne C. Gardner, and Lynne M. Haeffele
Handbook of Emergent MethodsEdited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber and Patricia Leavy
Oral History for the Qualitative Researcher: Choreographing the StoryValerie J. Janesick
When Research Goes Off the Rails: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About ItEdited by David L. Streiner and Souraya Sidani
The Craft of Life Course ResearchEdited by Glen H. Elder and Janet Z. Giele
Transformative Research and EvaluationDonna M. Mertens
Assessing Performance: Designing, Scoring, and Validating Performance TasksRobert L. Johnson, James A. Penny, and Belita Gordon
Measuring Change in Counseling and PsychotherapyScott T. Meier
Research Methods in Family Therapy: Second EditionEdited by Douglas H. Sprenkle and Fred P. Piercy
Field Methods in Remote SensingRoger M. McCoy