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Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years SmarterIsabel L. Beck, Margaret G. McKeown, and Cheryl A. Sandora
Intensifying Mathematics Interventions for Struggling StudentsEdited by Diane Pedrotty Bryant
Executive Skills and Reading Comprehension: Second Edition: A Guide for EducatorsKelly B. Cartwright
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Foreword by Nell K. Duke
Effective Math Interventions: A Guide to Improving Whole-Number KnowledgeRobin S. Codding, Robert J. Volpe, and Brian C. Poncy
ADHD in the Schools: Third Edition: Assessment and Intervention StrategiesGeorge J. DuPaul and Gary Stoner
Foreword by Robert Reid
Foreword by Robert Reid
Literacy Intervention in the Middle Grades: Word Learning, Comprehension, and Strategy Instruction, Grades 4-8Kevin Flanigan and Latisha Hayes
Foreword by Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
Foreword by Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
Comprehensive Reading Intervention in Grades 3-8: Fostering Word Learning, Comprehension, and MotivationLynn M. Gelzheiser, Donna M. Scanlon, Laura Hallgren-Flynn, and Peggy Connors
Empowering Struggling Readers: Practices for the Middle GradesLeigh A. Hall, Leslie D. Burns, and Elizabeth Carr Edwards
Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom: Second Edition: Practical Applications for K-12 and BeyondEdited by Tracey E. Hall, Kristin H. Robinson, and David Gordon
Foreword by David H. Rose
Foreword by David H. Rose
The Power of Peers in the Classroom: Enhancing Learning and Social SkillsEdited by Karen R. Harris and Lynn Meltzer
Interventions for Reading Problems: Second Edition: Designing and Evaluating Effective StrategiesEdward J. Daly III, Sabina Neugebauer, Sandra M. Chafouleas, and Christopher H. Skinner
Book Buddies: Third Edition: A Tutoring Framework for Struggling ReadersMarcia Invernizzi, Donna Lewis-Wagner, Francine R. Johnston, and Connie Juel
Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling ReadersAndrew P. Johnson
Supporting Behavior for School Success: A Step-by-Step Guide to Key StrategiesKathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Robin Parks Ennis, and Wendy Peia Oakes
Managing Challenging Behaviors in Schools: Research-Based Strategies That WorkKathleen Lynne Lane, Holly Mariah Menzies, Allison L. Bruhn, and Mary Crnobori
Courageous Conversations in the Classroom: Using Children’s Literature to Support Social and Emotional Growth, Positive Identity, and Mental Health
Lauren Aimonette Liang, Karen W. Tao, and Michelle K. Hosp

Tackling Tough Texts: A Research-Based Guide to Scaffolding Learning in Grades 6–12
Sarah M. Lupo, Dan Reynolds, and Christine Hardigree

Designing Early Literacy Programs: Second Edition: Differentiated Instruction in Preschool and KindergartenLea M. McGee and Donald J. Richgels
Reading Intervention in the Primary Grades: A Common-Sense Guide to RTIHeidi Anne E. Mesmer, Eric M. Mesmer, and Jennifer Jones Powell