The Guilford Series on Intensive Instruction
Edited by Sharon Vaughn
This series presents innovative ways to improve learning outcomes for K-12 students with challenging academic and behavioral needs. Books in the series explain the principles of intensive intervention and provide evidence-based teaching practices for learners who require differentiated instruction. Grounded in current research, volumes include user-friendly features such as sample lessons, examples of daily schedules, case studies, classroom vignettes, and reproducible tools.
New Titles:
All Titles:
Teaching Reading Comprehension to Students with Learning Difficulties: Third EditionSharon Vaughn, Alison Boardman, and Janette K. Klingner

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Structured Literacy Interventions: Teaching Students with Reading Difficulties, Grades K-6Edited by Louise Spear-Swerling
Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades: Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All StudentsJade Wexler, Elizabeth Swanson, and Alexandra Shelton
Intensifying Mathematics Interventions for Struggling StudentsEdited by Diane Pedrotty Bryant
Intensive Reading Interventions for the Elementary GradesJeanne Wanzek, Stephanie Al Otaiba, and Kristen L. McMaster
Essentials of Intensive InterventionEdited by Rebecca Zumeta Edmonds, Allison Gruner Gandhi, and Louis Danielson