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Ordinary Families, Special Children: Third Edition: A Systems Approach to Childhood DisabilityMilton Seligman and Rosalyn Benjamin Darling
Handbook of Developmental DisabilitiesEdited by Samuel L. Odom, Robert H. Horner, Martha E. Snell, and Jan B. Blacher
Children's Comprehension Problems in Oral and Written Language: A Cognitive PerspectiveEdited by Kate Cain and Jane Oakhill
Instructional Practices for Students with Behavioral Disorders: Strategies for Reading, Writing, and MathJ. Ron Nelson, Gregory J. Benner, and Paul Mooney
Social and Communication Development in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Early Identification, Diagnosis, and InterventionEdited by Tony Charman and Wendy Stone
Treating Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Guide for PractitionersEdited by Douglas W. Woods, John C. Piacentini, and John T. Walkup
Foreword by Peter Hollenbeck
Foreword by Peter Hollenbeck
Promoting Self-Determination in Students with Developmental DisabilitiesMichael L. Wehmeyer
Imitation and the Social Mind: Autism and Typical DevelopmentEdited by Sally J. Rogers and Justin H. G. Williams
Handbook of Neurodevelopmental and Genetic Disorders in AdultsEdited by Sam Goldstein and Cecil R. Reynolds
Straight Talk about Psychological Testing for KidsEllen Braaten and Gretchen Felopulos