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Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents: Third EditionEdited by John R. Weisz and Alan E. Kazdin
Exposure Therapy for Anxiety: Second Edition: Principles and PracticeJonathan S. Abramowitz, Brett J. Deacon, and Stephen P. H. Whiteside

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Exposure Therapy with Children and AdolescentsMichael A. Southam-Gerow
The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved OneJonathan S. Abramowitz
Family-Based Therapy for Latine Adolescents: The CIFFTA Model
Daniel A. Santisteban, Maite P. Mena, and David Santisteban

Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis: Second EditionEdited by Wayne W. Fisher, Cathleen C. Piazza, and Henry S. Roane
Handbook of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies: Fourth EditionEdited by Keith S. Dobson and David J. A. Dozois
Helping Children with Aggression and Conduct Problems: Best Practices for InterventionMichael L. Bloomquist and Steven V. Schnell
Helping the Noncompliant Child: Second Edition: Family-Based Treatment for Oppositional BehaviorRobert J. McMahon and Rex L. Forehand
Helping Schoolchildren Cope with Anger: Second Edition: A Cognitive-Behavioral InterventionJim Larson and John E. Lochman
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum
Foreword by Donald Meichenbaum
Helping Students Overcome Social Anxiety: Skills for Academic and Social Success (SASS)Carrie Masia Warner, Daniela Colognori, and Chelsea Lynch
Mind Over Mood: Second Edition: Change How You Feel by Changing the Way You ThinkDennis Greenberger and Christine A. Padesky
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck
Foreword by Aaron T. Beck

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The Mindfulness Matters Program for Children and Adolescents: Strategies, Activities, and Techniques for Therapists and TeachersRandye J. Semple and Christopher Willard
Foreword by Lisa Miller
Foreword by Lisa Miller
Modular Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety DisordersBruce F. Chorpita
Motivational Interviewing with Adolescents and Young Adults: Second EditionSylvie Naar and Mariann Suarez
Multisystemic Therapy for Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Second EditionScott W. Henggeler, Sonja K. Schoenwald, Charles M. Borduin, Melisa D. Rowland, and Phillippe B. Cunningham
Negotiating Parent-Adolescent Conflict: A Behavioral-Family Systems ApproachArthur L. Robin and Sharon L. Foster
OCD in Children and Adolescents: The "OCD Is Not the Boss of Me" ManualKatherine McKenney, Annie Simpson, and S. Evelyn Stewart
Overcoming Test Anxiety: Tools to Support Students from Early Adolescence to Adulthood
Alex Jordan and Benjamin J. Lovett