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Case Formulation with Children and AdolescentsKatharina Manassis
DBT Skills in Schools: Skills Training for Emotional Problem Solving for Adolescents (DBT STEPS-A)James J. Mazza, Elizabeth T. Dexter-Mazza, Alec L. Miller, Jill H. Rathus, and Heather E. Murphy
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Third Edition: Assessment to InterventionStephanie H. McConaughy and Sara A. Whitcomb
Child and Adolescent Suicidal Behavior: Second Edition: School-Based Prevention, Assessment, and InterventionDavid N. Miller
Foreword by William M. Reynolds
Foreword by William M. Reynolds
Social Work in Schools: Principles and PracticeLinda Openshaw
Family-School Success for Children with ADHD: A Guide for InterventionThomas J. Power, Jennifer A. Mautone, and Stephen L. Soffer
Family-Based Therapy for Latine Adolescents: The CIFFTA Model
Daniel A. Santisteban, Maite P. Mena, and David Santisteban

Collaborative Brief Therapy with ChildrenMatthew D. Selekman
Working with High-Risk Adolescents: A Collaborative Strengths-Based ApproachMatthew D. Selekman
Foreword by Harlene Anderson
Foreword by Harlene Anderson
Classwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: Second Edition: A Guide to Proactive Classroom Management
Brandi Simonsen and Diane Myers

Music Therapy Handbook: Second Edition
Edited by Michael Viega, Andeline dos Santos, and Barbara L. Wheeler

Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis: Fourth EditionEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Social Work Practice with Children: Fourth EditionNancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Working with Traumatized Youth in Child WelfareEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
The Brain Injury Rehabilitation WorkbookEdited by Rachel Winson, Barbara A. Wilson, and Andrew Bateman