Clinical Practice with Children, Adolescents, and Families Series
Edited by Nancy Boyd Webb
This series presents a broad range of topics relevant for today's social workers, psychologists, counselors, and other professionals who work with children, adolescents, and families. Designed for practical use, volumes feature specific discussions of assessment, interventions, therapeutic roadblocks, the therapeutic relationship, and professional and value issues, illuminated by numerous case examples.
Child Development: Fourth Edition: A Practitioner's GuideDouglas Davies and Michael F. Troy
Working with Adolescents: Second Edition: A Guide for PractitionersJulie Anne Laser and Nicole Nicotera
Social Work in Schools: Principles and PracticeLinda Openshaw
Play Therapy with Children and Adolescents in Crisis: Fourth EditionEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Foreword by Lenore C. Terr
Working with Traumatized Youth in Child WelfareEdited by Nancy Boyd Webb
Social Work Practice with Children: Fourth EditionNancy Boyd Webb
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas
Foreword by Luis H. Zayas