New Titles:
All Titles:
The Lost Art of Listening: Third Edition: How Learning to Listen Can Improve RelationshipsMichael P. Nichols and Martha B. Straus
Loving Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder: How to Keep Out-of-Control Emotions from Destroying Your RelationshipShari Y. Manning
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Make Room for Baby: Perinatal Child-Parent Psychotherapy to Repair Trauma and Promote AttachmentAlicia F. Lieberman, Manuela A. Diaz, Gloria Castro, and Griselda Oliver Bucio
Marital Conflict and Children: An Emotional Security PerspectiveE. Mark Cummings and Patrick T. Davies
Mastering Resistance: A Practical Guide to Family TherapyCarol M. Anderson and Susan Stewart
Men in Therapy: The Challenge of ChangeRichard L. Meth, Robert S. Pasick, Barry Gordon, Jo Ann Allen, Larry B. Feldman, and Sylvia Gordon

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Mentalization-Based Treatment with FamiliesEia Asen and Peter Fonagy
Metaphors of Family Systems Theory: Toward New ConstructionsPaul C. Rosenblatt
Multifamily Groups in the Treatment of Severe Psychiatric DisordersWilliam R. McFarlane
Foreword by Harriet P. Lefley
Afterword by C. Christian Beels
Foreword by Harriet P. Lefley
Afterword by C. Christian Beels
Multisystemic Therapy for Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: Second EditionScott W. Henggeler, Sonja K. Schoenwald, Charles M. Borduin, Melisa D. Rowland, and Phillippe B. Cunningham
Narrative Solutions in Brief TherapyJoseph B. Eron and Thomas W. Lund
Negotiating Parent-Adolescent Conflict: A Behavioral-Family Systems ApproachArthur L. Robin and Sharon L. Foster
Normal Family Processes: Fourth Edition: Growing Diversity and ComplexityEdited by Froma Walsh
OCD in Children and Adolescents: The "OCD Is Not the Boss of Me" ManualKatherine McKenney, Annie Simpson, and S. Evelyn Stewart
One Couple, Four Realities: Multiple Perspectives on Couple TherapyEdited by Richard Chasin, Henry Grunebaum, and Margaret Herzig
Ordinary Families, Special Children: Third Edition: A Systems Approach to Childhood DisabilityMilton Seligman and Rosalyn Benjamin Darling
Parents as Partners in Child Therapy: A Clinician's GuideParis Goodyear-Brown
Play in Family Therapy: Second EditionEliana Gil
Foreword by Matthew D. Selekman
Foreword by Matthew D. Selekman