New Titles:
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Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Binge Eating and BulimiaDebra L. Safer, Christy F. Telch, and Eunice Y. Chen
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Foreword by Marsha M. Linehan
Promoting Emotional Resilience: Cognitive-Affective Stress Management TrainingRonald E. Smith and James C. Ascough
Group Therapy for Substance Use Disorders: A Motivational Cognitive-Behavioral ApproachLinda Carter Sobell and Mark B. Sobell
Treating Sex Offenders: An Evidence-Based ManualJill D. Stinson and Judith V. Becker
Group Psychotherapy for People with Chronic Mental IllnessWalter N. Stone
Experiencing ACT from the Inside Out: A Self-Practice/Self-Reflection Workbook for TherapistsDennis Tirch, Laura R. Silberstein-Tirch, R. Trent Codd III, Martin J. Brock, and M. Joann Wright
Removing the Roadblocks: Group Psychotherapy with Substance Abusers and Family MembersMarsha Vannicelli
Group Treatment for Substance Abuse: Second Edition: A Stages-of-Change Therapy ManualMary Marden Velasquez, Cathy Crouch, Nanette Stokes Stephens, and Carlo C. DiClemente
Motivational Interviewing in GroupsChristopher C. Wagner, Karen S. Ingersoll, and Contributors
Helping At-Risk Students: Second Edition: A Group Counseling Approach for Grades 6-9Jill Waterman and Elizabeth Walker
Group Cognitive Therapy for AddictionsAmy Wenzel, Bruce S. Liese, Aaron T. Beck, and Dara G. Friedman-Wheeler
Mindfulness for Adult ADHD: A Clinician's GuideLidia Zylowska and John T. Mitchell
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley
Foreword by Russell A. Barkley

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